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引用本文:袁 程,刘君寒,任晓慧,李福利.锰离子对斜生栅藻DHD-3 的生长和油脂积累的调控作用[J].海洋科学,2012,36(2):62-66.
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锰离子对斜生栅藻DHD-3 的生长和油脂积累的调控作用
袁 程1,2, 刘君寒2, 任晓慧1, 李福利2
1.河北农业大学 海洋学院;2.中国科学院 青岛生物能源与过程研究所
研究了培养液中不同锰离子浓度对斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquus)DHD-3 的生长、油脂积累以及脂肪酸组成的影响。结果表明, 培养液中不同初始浓度的锰离子对斜生栅藻早期叶绿素积累和生长会产生一定的调节作用, 过高或过低的锰离子都不利于斜生栅藻细胞内叶绿素的积累、微藻的生长和油脂的积累。经过14 d 培养后, 当初始锰离子的添加量为2.72 mg/L 时, 斜生栅藻的生物量和细胞内油脂含量分别达到2.9 g/L 和细胞干重的55.1%, 细胞内油脂含量比对照组提高了11%; 同时, 单位水体中油脂的产量达到了1.6 g/L, 比对照组提高了14%, 但改变锰离子的初始浓度并不对斜生栅藻脂肪酸的组成产生明显影响。
关键词:  锰离子  斜生栅藻(Scenedesmus obliquus)  油脂  脂肪酸组成  调控
基金项目:中科院知识创新工程重要方向性项目(KGCX2-YW-374-3);国家十一五重大科技专项: 水体污染控制与治理重大科技专项(2008ZX074220-003-005)
Regulation of Mn ion on the growth and lipid accumulation of microalga Scenedesmus obliquus DHD-3
As an important component of chlorophyll, manganese (Mn) ion takes part in plant photosynthesis and adjusts the activity of enzymes. So the concentration of manganese in culture medium might affect the growth and metabolize of microalgae. The aim of this work is to investigate the effect of different concentration of Mn on the growth, lipid accumulation and fatty acid composition of Scenedesmus obliquus DHD-3. The results show that the concentration of Mn will influence the growth and accumulation of chlorophyll. Too high or too low are both not good for S. obliquus growth, accumulation of chlorophyll and lipid. The maximum biomass and lipid content of S. obliquus DHD-3 were 2.9 g/L and 55.1% of dry cell weight, respectively after a 14-day incubation with an initial Mn ion concentration of 2.72 mg/L. The cellular lipid content was increased 11% compared with control group. At the meantime, the maximum lipid yield was 1.6 g/L, which was increased 14% compared with control group. In contrast, the concentration of Mn didin’t affect the fatty acid composition of S. obliquus.
Key words:  Mn ion, Scenedesmus obliquus, Lipid, Fatty acid composition, regulation
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