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引用本文:刘 勇,黄海军,刘艳霞,严立文.基于RS 和GIS 的近代黄河三角洲滩涂变化分析[J].海洋科学,2012,36(2):82-87.
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基于RS 和GIS 的近代黄河三角洲滩涂变化分析
刘 勇1,2, 黄海军1, 刘艳霞1, 严立文1
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所, 海洋地质与环境重点实验室;2..中国科学院 研究生院
黄河携带泥沙入海不断淤积而形成丰富的滩涂是三角洲地区重要的后备土地资源, 掌握滩涂的空间分布及演化特征对合理开发滩涂, 加强滩涂资源的保护和可持续利用, 促进黄河三角洲高效生态经济区发展都有重要意义。选取近代黄河三角洲地区1989 年和2000 年landsat TM/ETM+影像, 利用基于专家知识的监督、目视判读分类方法, 提取了两个时期内不同行政区域和不同自然岸段的黄河三角洲滩涂信息。通过土地利用类型转换矩阵分析了滩涂与其他土地利用类型间的相互转化关系, 得出1989~2000 年间, 黄河三角洲中潮位滩涂主要向林草地(15.9%)、海域(12%)、其他用地(7%, 含已围待用地)和养殖、盐田用地(6.3%)等土地利用类型转化; 同时又有36.5%的海域、6.5%的水域和2.5%的林草地转化为滩涂; 而总体上滩涂面积呈减少趋势, 减少面积为246.42 km2。海洋动力作用、黄河断流、人类活动是致使滩涂面积减少的主要因素。
关键词:  黄河三角洲  滩涂  遥感  图像分类
Changes of the tidal flat the modern Yellow River Delta based on RS and GIS
Sediment carried by the Yellow River deposits continually and form large areas of tidal land that is an important reserve of land resources. Research of the spatial distribution and evolution of the tidal land is important for rationalized development of tidal land, protection and sustainable use, and promotion of the Yellow River Delta efficient ecological Economic Zone development. Using Landsat TM/ETM+ images of the modern Yellow River Delta taken in 1989 and 2000, supplemented by the digital topographic maps and digital elevation and other auxiliary data, through knowledge-based supervised classification and the method of human-computer interaction image classification, tidal flat information was extracted from different administrative regions and different natural coasts of the Yellow River Delta. The mutual transformation relations between the tidal flat land use and other types was analyzed through land using conversion matrix. From 1989 to 2000, the intertidal mudflat land of the Yellow River Delta is transformed to forest and grassland (15.9%), sea (12%), other type land use (7%, including inland), mariculture/salt pond (6.3%) and etc. At the same time, 36.5% of the sea, 6.5% of water, and 2.5% of the forest and grassland had been transformed into intertidal flat. The area of the intertidal mudflat in 2000 was less than that in 1989, which shows an overall downward trend, the total reduction area amounting to 246.42 km2. Ocean dynamics, the Yellow River water flow, human activities had played important roles in reduction of this change.
Key words:  the Yellow River Delta  tidal flat  remote sensing  image classification
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