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刘文广1, 林坚士1
中国科学院 南海海洋研究所, 中国科学院 海洋生物资源可持续利用重点实验室
自2010 年7 月1 日至3 日, 在pH 值为8.1、7.7 和7.4 条件下研究了海洋酸化对马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martensii Dunker)受精及早期发育的影响。结果显示, 海洋酸化对不同pH 值下马氏珠母贝的受精率无显著影响。pH8.1、pH 7.7 和pH 7.4 试验组幼虫的壳长、壳高的值逐渐增大, pH 8.1 组幼虫的壳长、壳高的值大于同期其他两组的值, 且在实验的第24、36、48 小时与其他两组同期幼虫的壳长、壳高的值差异显著, 这表明海洋酸化显著影响马氏珠母贝幼虫的生长。实验期间, pH 8.1 试验组幼虫的存活率和畸形率没有显著变化, 而pH 7.7 和 pH 7.4 组幼虫的存活率显著低于pH 8.1 组。pH 7.4 组幼虫的畸形率显著高于同期pH 8.1 和pH 7.7 组幼虫的畸形率, 表明在海洋酸化的环境中幼虫的发育受到影响。本文将为海洋酸化的相关研究提供基础数据。
关键词:  海洋酸化  马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martensii Dunker)  受精  发育
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41006090); 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目(KZCXZ-YW-Q07-03); NSFC-广东联合基金项目(U0831001); 广东省科技计划项目(2008A020100004)
Effect of ocean acidification on fertilization and early development of the pearl oyster Pinctada martensii Dunker
Effects of ocean acidification on fertilization and early development of Pinctada martensii were investigated at pH 8.1, 7.7 and 7.4 from July 1 to July 3 in 2010. The results indicated that CO2-driven ocean acidification had no significant effect on fertilization. The shell lengths and heights in the groups of pH 8.1, 7.7 and 7.4 increased gradually, and showed significant differences between the group of PH 8.1 and the other two groups. This indicated that ocean acidification influenced the growth of P. martensii. During the experiment, the survival rate and the rate of abnormal larvae showed no significant difference in the pH 8.1 group. The survival rates in the pH 7.7 and 7.4 group were significantly lower than that in the pH 8.1 group. The rate of abnormal larvae in the pH 7.4 group was significantly higher than those in the other two groups. The development of the larvae was influenced by ocean acidification. The study provided basic information for exploring the effect of ocean acidification on growth and development of pearl oyster.
Key words:  ocean acidification  Pinctada martensii  fertilization  development
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