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引用本文:张志锋,韩庚辰,张 哲,王 燕.经济发展影响下我国海洋环境污染压力变化趋势及污染减排对策分析[J].海洋科学,2012,36(4):24-29.
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张志锋1, 韩庚辰1, 张 哲1, 王 燕1
对20 世纪90 年代以来我国经济发展影响下的海洋环境污染变化趋势进行了分析, 指出近年来我国海洋环境污染防治工作取得了一定成效, 但近岸海域污染的总体形势依然严峻, 并可能随着经济总量的增长而再次恶化, 氮磷营养盐超标导致的海水富营养化是近岸海域的主要污染问题。讨论了我国现行的污染物减排策略对海洋污染防治的局限性, 并以国家“十二五”发展规划、沿海区域社会经济发展规划为依据, 综合分析“十二五”期间我国海洋环境污染防治面临的压力和主要入海污染源的排污特征, 建议应对农业非点源开展源头污染控制、对沿海地区点源加强末端治理, 实施流域-河口-海域联动的入海污染物减排策略。
关键词:  经济发展  海洋环境污染  营养盐  流域-河口-海域联动
基金项目:国家海洋局908 项目集成(908-ZC-I-14)
Analysis of marine environmental pollution trend under the influence of economic growth, and proposal for pollutant discharge reduction strategy
The marine environmental pollution trend and the effects of economic growth from 1990s were analyzed and we found the pollutant discharge reduction strategy had acquired some good effects on marine environmental pollution control, but the situation is still very serious and will be deteriorated with the increasing economic growth in the coming future. Eutrophication caused by excess nutrients in sea water will be the main problem of our coastal environment. The limitations of total maximum discharge control strategy of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) were discussed. According to the perspective of society and economy development in coastal areas and the main pollution sources and their sewage characteristics, it was proposed that new pollutant discharge reduction strategy, covering from river basins to coastal zones, should be considered for the prevention of marine environmental pollution, including on-site control of agricultural non-point source pollution in main river basins, enhanced wastewater treatment of point sources in coastal zones.
Key words:  economic growth  marine environmental pollution  nutrients  from river basins to coastal zones
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