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犬齿牙鲆(Paralichthys dentatus)卵为端黄卵, 受精卵浮性, 卵径950~1 100 μm, 油球径200~225μm。在水温20.5~22.0℃, 盐度33 条件下培育, 受精后1 h 20 min 进入卵裂期, 6 h 10 min 进入囊胚期,11 h 20 min 进入原肠胚期, 19 h 10 min 发育到胚孔封闭期, 胚体形成, 26 h 50 min 尾芽出现, 33 h 35 min心跳开始, 48 h 10 min 开始孵化出仔鱼。初孵仔鱼平均全长2.59 mm±0.02 mm, 在培育水温为17.0~21.0℃, 盐度24~34 条件下, 胚后发育时序为: 1 日龄~9 日龄为仔鱼前期, 10 日龄平均全长5.52 mm±0.05 mm, 卵黄囊和油球完全吸收进入仔鱼后期; 40 日龄平均全长20.82 mm±0.67 mm, 各鳍鳍条发育形成进入稚鱼期; 65 日龄平均全长41.13 mm±0.88 mm, 全身鳞被完整进入幼鱼早期。
关键词:  犬齿牙鲆(Paralichthys dentatus)  胚胎发育  仔稚幼鱼  形态发育
Embryonic and larval morphological development of Paralichthys dentatus
The eggs of summer flounder were telolecithal egg, and fertilized eggs were buoyant. The average diameter of eggs was 950~1 100 μm. Radius of oil globule was 200~225 μm. The egg was hatched at water temperature 20.5~22.0℃ and salinity 33. The embryos entered cleavage stage by 1 h 20 min after fertilization, entered the blastula stage by 6 h 10 min, entered the gastrula stage by 11h 20min, developed into the blastopore closure stage, embryo was formed. Tail bud appeared by 26h 50min, the heart beat began by 33 h 35 min, and larvae were hatched by 48 h 10 min. The average length of newly hatched larva was 2.59 mm±0.2 mm. At the cultivation temperature of 17~21℃, salinity 24~34, the postembryonic development timing sequence was: the fish of 1 day to 9 days after hatching were prelarva. The average length of 10 days fish was 5.52 mm±0.05 mm, yolk sac and oil globule were absorbed completely, and the fish entered the postlarvae stage. The average length of 40 days fish was 20.82 mm±0.67 mm, fin rays form, the fish entered the larval stage. The average length of 65 days fish was 41.13 mm±0.88 mm, the whole lodicules developed completely, the fish entered early juvenile stage.
Key words:  Paralichthys dentatus  embryonic development  larval  morphological development
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