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引用本文:王 祥,赵冬至,杨建洪,赵 玲.HJ-1B 卫星海表温度定量反演业务化算法研究——以中国北部海区为例[J].海洋科学,2012,36(6):72-77.
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HJ-1B 卫星海表温度定量反演业务化算法研究——以中国北部海区为例
王 祥1,2, 赵冬至2, 杨建洪2, 赵 玲2
1.大连海事大学 环境科学与工程学院;2.国家海洋环境监测中心
利用中国2008 年9 月发射的自主HJ-1B 卫星热红外遥感影像数据, 基于实测数据对已有海表温度反演的单窗算法进行了改进与简化, 重新订正了大气透射率和大气平均作用温度估算方程, 建立了基于实测数据验证的HJ-1B 卫星海表温度定量反演业务化算法。将本算法与段四波等的改进算法用于实验海区海表温度的反演, 反演结果与卫星同步实测海温数据的对比表明: 本研究算法反演结果与现场同步实测海表温度平均误差约为0.76 ℃, 段四波等改进算法反演结果平均误差约为1.09℃。本算法为HJ-1B 卫星海表温度产品的业务化应用提供了便捷可行的方案。
关键词:  HJ-1B 卫星  海表温度  单窗算法
基金项目:国家海洋局海洋环境业务创新计划(课题号: 908wy01); 908 专项(课题号: 908-02-03-01)
Quantitative and operational algorithm for retrieving sea surface temperature from HJ-1B data——with Northern Sea of China as example
Satellite operational data products play an important role in applications of remote sensing. Using the thermal images acquired by HJ-1B launched in September 2008 and the near-real time measured data, we improved the Mono-window Algorithm and the equations to estimate the transmittance and atmospheric average temperature for sea surface temperature (SST) retrieval from HJ-1B images. Accordingly, a new quantitative and operational algorithm was proposed. The new algorithm was compared with Duan's algorithm in accuracy of SST retrieval in the experimental regions. The comparison indicated that the SST retreived by the new algorithm was closer to the measured SST data in the experimental regions than that of Duan's one. For the new algorithm, average error of the retrieved SST was 0.76℃ from the measured SST. As contrast, the error was 1.09℃ for Duan's algorithm. Therefore it could be concluded that this research provided an applicable alternative for operationally generate the SST data products from the HJ-1B images.
Key words:  HJ-1B  sea surface temperature (SST)  mono-window algorithm
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