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引用本文:余心杰,殷姣姣,刘 鹰,王建平,卢焕达,范良忠.海水养殖多环境因子在线监测系统的设计与实现[J].海洋科学,2013,37(11):48-53.
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余心杰1, 殷姣姣1,2, 刘 鹰3, 王建平4, 卢焕达1, 范良忠1
针对海水养殖中水质、气象参数的自动监测和预警需求, 采用YSI 600R 多参数水质仪和TRM-ZS2 型自动气象站作为养殖现场水质和气象参数在线监测仪, 结合GPRS 无线传输技术和信息处理技术, 设计开发了海水养殖多环境因子在线监测系统。该系统可在线、连续地对水温、酸碱度、溶解氧含量、盐度4 个水质参数以及风速、气压、太阳辐射、雨量4 个气象参数进行测量, 并提供了养殖自动预警功能。系统能实时对海水养殖风险的潜在因子进行监测, 可解决采用人工方式无法满足大规模、集约化海水养殖环境因子监测需要的问题。
关键词:  海水养殖  水质  气象  在线监测
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(30972267, 31201446); 浙江省自然科学基金(LQ12C20006); 浙江省教育厅科研项目(Y201122038); 宁波市民生科技项目(2013C11026)
Design and implementation of on-line multiple environmental factors monitoring system for mariculture
Automatic monitoring of water quality and weather parameters is very important in mariculture. In this paper, an on-line multiple environmental factors monitoring system for mariculture is designed by using YSI 600R multiple parameter water quality analyzer and TRM-ZS2 automatic weather station as the on-line monitoring instruments, and using GPRS wireless transmission as the data transmission technology. The monitoring system can continuously monitor water quality parameters such as temperature, dissolved oxygen content, pH and salinity, and weather parameters such as, wind speed, air pressure, solar radiation and rainfall online, and provide environmental factors automatic alert function. The monitoring system can be used to reduce the mariculture risks and meet the requirements of large scale mariculture production.
Key words:  mariculture  water quality  weather  on-line monitoring
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