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引用本文:李怀明,娄安刚,王 璟,孙学娟.蓬莱19-3 油田事故溢油数值模拟[J].海洋科学,2014,38(6):70-77.
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蓬莱19-3 油田事故溢油数值模拟
李怀明1,2, 娄安刚1, 王 璟1, 孙学娟1
1.中国海洋大学 环境科学与工程学院;2.天津市环境保护科学研究院
利用FVCOM (Finite-volume coastal ocean numerical model)数值模型和MM5 风场预报模式, 在对渤海海域水动力场进行数值模拟的基础上, 基于“油粒子”的欧拉-拉格朗日跟踪法和随机走动原理,并考虑风对溢油油膜漂移扩散的直接作用,建立了海洋溢油油膜漂移轨迹和扩散的数值预测模型。利用建立的模型对2011 年6 月蓬莱19-3 油田事故溢油进行了数值模拟,模拟结果与RADARSAT 卫星遥感监测数据相吻合。研究结果表明:在渤海中部地区夏季事故溢油模拟预测中,风漂移因子取0.024最为合理,模型可用于渤海蓬莱19-3 油田附近事故溢油轨迹和扩散的快速预报,从而为该区域的溢油事故应急响应提供科学依据。
关键词:  渤海  FVCOM(Finite-volume coastal ocean numerical model)  蓬莱19-3  溢油  数值模拟  风漂移因子
A numerical simulation of the oil spill accident at Penglai 19-3 oil field
Using the finite-volume coastal ocean numerical model (FVCOM) and the mesoscale atmospheric model MM5, the hydrodynamic field of the Bohai Sea is simulated. A numerical prediction model of oil spill is developed based on the particle approach to simulate the spilled oil behavior under the direct action of the wind. This paper predicts the oil trajectory and its diffusion combined with the Euler-Lagrangian method and random walk theory. The model has been applied to the oil spill accident at Penglai 19-3 oil field in June 2011, and the results show good agreement between the simulated trajectory of the oil spill and the remote sensing observations from the RADARSAT images. All these analyses have shown that the wind drift factor takes 0.024 is most reasonable for the simulation of the summer oil spill accident in the middle Bohai Sea. This model is applicable to the rapid prediction of the oil spill accident at Penglai 19-3 oil field area and it could provide a scientific basis for the emergency response of the oil spill accidents in this area.
Key words:  the Bohai Sea  FVCOM (Finite-volume coastal ocean numerical model)  Penglai 19-3  oil spill  numerical simulation  wind drift factor
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