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引用本文:黄 娟,曹雅静,高 松,徐江玲,刘桂艳.渤海海上溢油漂移扩散数值模拟研究[J].海洋科学,2014,38(11):100-107.
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黄 娟1, 曹雅静1, 高 松1, 徐江玲1, 刘桂艳1
国家海洋局 北海预报中心
近几年渤海海上溢油突发事件频发, 对海洋环境造成严重的污染。本文将业务化气象数值模型(Weather Research and Forecast model, WRF)、海流数值模型(Regional Ocean Model System, ROMS)的数值预报结果作为海洋环境驱动场, 采用“油粒子”的海上溢油漂移扩散数值模拟方法, 对在渤海发生的溢油扩散行为进行模拟预测。本文针对渤海溢油事件, 设计敏感试验, 研究不同风、流系数和网格分辨率对溢油扩散模拟结果的影响, 获得适合于渤海的溢油数值模型参数, 提高溢油漂移扩散预报的准确度, 为海洋溢油应急处置和防灾减灾提供技术支持。
关键词:  海上溢油  漂移扩散  油粒子  海洋环境模型
基金项目:国家高技术研究发展计划(2009AA092104); 海洋公益性科研项目(201205012)
Numerical simulation of oil spill drift-diffusion in the Bohai sea
Oil spill accidents occurred frequently in the Bohai Sea recent years, and oil pollution significantly damages marine environment. In this research, the prediction results of operational meteorological numerical model (WRF) and ocean numerical model (ROMS) were used as the driving fields for the marine environment. Based on the “oil particles” idea of spilled oil morphology, the numeric simulation of the oil spill drift-diffusion model was established. We analyzed the results of sensitivity testing in the events in Bohai Sea, which are different coefficients of wind and different resolutions of the grid. The simulation results are well agree with observations.
Key words:  marine oil spill  drift-diffusion  oil particles  marine environment model
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