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引用本文:祁雅莉,黄海军,刘艳霞,刘 晓,杨曦光.探地雷达在确定全新世海侵线方面的应用[J].海洋科学,2014,38(11):108-115.
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祁雅莉1,2,3, 黄海军1,2, 刘艳霞1,2, 刘 晓4, 杨曦光1,2,3
1.中国科学院 海洋研究所;2.中国科学院 海洋地质与环境重点实验室;3.中国科学院大学;4.山东理工大学 资环学院
针对全新世大暖期古海岸线位置的不确定性问题, 提出了一种利用探地雷达进行最大海侵位置追踪的方法, 在探地雷达可获得连续沉积地层图像的理论基础上, 在具有丰富研究资料的莱州湾东岸开展了实验研究。结果表明, 利用Mala RAMAC100MHz 天线结合相应的图像处理手段, 能够识别区域10 m 以内浅地层中海陆相沉积物分界面, 与已有钻孔和现场探挖浅孔剖面对比, 具有较好的一致性。证实了利用探地雷达追踪全新世海侵时期古地层、将海相层尖灭点处确定为最大海侵线位置, 进一步恢复古环境是可行的。本文为研究古海岸线位置提供的方法, 即通过探地雷达探测地层, 得到高清的可视化图像, 这使得古海岸线位置确定更精确、更直观。
关键词:  全新世最大海侵线  探地雷达  地层  图像处理  尖灭点
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41106041); 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA05120601); 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向性项目(KZCX2-EW-207)
The application of ground penetrating radar in determination of Holocene transgressive boundary
This work determined Holocene transgressive boundary by using ground penetrating radar (GPR), based on the theory that GPR image can obtain continuous sedimentary strata. The experimental study was carried out in the east coast of the Laizhou Bay that has a plenty of historical research data. The results show that the interface of marine and terrestrial sediments in the shallow strata within 10 m in the study area was identified by the Mala RAMAC 100 MHz antenna acquisition, which is consistent with the profiles of historical borehole data and field sampling well. It is confirmed that the method can be used to determine the maximum transgression position and recover the paleo-environment by using GPR to trace paleo-formation in the period of Holocene transgression. In conclusion, this study provides the method for research of paleo-coastline position, and makes paleo-coastline position more precise and intuitive through using GPR to survey formation and get visual images with high resolution.
Key words:  Holocene maximum transgression coastline  ground penetrating radar (GPR)  stratum  image process  thin out point
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