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引用本文:王 菁,牛从从,王 辉,郇 丽.细胞的氧化还原状态对浒苔孢子囊形成的影响[J].海洋科学,2016,40(1):64-67.
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王 菁1, 牛从从1, 王 辉2, 郇 丽2
浒苔(Ulva prolifera)是我国黄海海域绿潮暴发的主要成因种, 其孢子囊的形成和孢子的释放是浒苔大量、快速增殖的基础。本文以浒苔为研究材料, 比较分析了还原剂(DTT)和氧化剂(H2O2)对直径为1 mm的圆形藻片从营养细胞形成孢子囊过程的影响。研究结果表明, DTT对浒苔孢子囊的形成具有明显的抑制作用, 用H2O2处理的浒苔藻片与对照组相比没有显著性的差异, 因此浒苔细胞处于还原状态时不利于孢子囊的形成。研究结果为探究浒苔孢子形成的调控机制提供了科学依据。
关键词:  浒苔  孢子囊  DTT  H2O2
基金项目:中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA11020404); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41176137)
The effect of cellular redox state on the formation of Ulva prolifera sporangia
WANG Jing1, NIU Cong-cong1, WANG Hui2, HUAN Li2
1.Qingdao No.58 High School Shandong Province;2.Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Outbreaks of Ulva prolifera cause green tides in the Yellow Sea of China. The rapid mass reproduction that is associated with these outbreaks is dependent on the formation of sporangia and the release of spores. In this study, the effect of oxidizing (H2O2) and reducing (dithiothreitol; DTT) agents on sporulation was investigated using 1-mm-diameter disks of U. prolifera. The results suggested that the application of DTT significantly inhibits the sporulation of this species, while there was no significant difference between the H2O2 treatment and the control. Therefore, the creation of a reduced environment inhibits sporulation from vegetative cells. This information will be useful for further research into the regulation of sporulation in U. prolifera.
Key words:  Ulva prolifera  sporangia  DTT  H2O2
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