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黄桂菊1, 陈飞飞1,2, 刘宝锁1, 范嗣刚1, 刑孔武1, 喻达辉1
1.中国水产科学研究院 南海水产研究所 农业部南海渔业资源开发利用重点实验室, 南海资源开发与保护协同创新中心;2.上海海洋大学 水产与生命学院
为开展合浦珠母贝(Pinctada fucata)遗传改良和培育优质新品种, 作者利用合浦珠母贝北海养殖群体(B)、徐闻养殖群体(X)和三亚养殖群体(S)进行双列杂交, 获得3个种群内自繁群体及6个种群间杂交群体。对8月龄F1代的壳长、壳高、壳宽和体质量4个生长性状进行了测定, 计算了各组合的一般配合力、特殊配合力及杂种优势。结果表明, 杂交组合的各性状值普遍高于自繁群体, 其中S()×B()和S()×X()杂交组合的各性状值极显著高于其他组合。三亚群体各性状的一般配合力最大, S()×X()组合各性状特殊配合力最大, 其次是S()×B()组合。杂交子一代4个生长指标均表现出一定程度的杂种优势(0.24%~52.62%)。不同杂交组合间和不同性状间的杂种优势存在差异, 其中, S()×B()杂交组合杂种优势明显, 其反交组合B()×S()杂交优势程度不高, 且在壳宽上表现出较低的杂种优势率(0.24%);S()×X()杂交组合杂种优势率比反交组合X()×S()高。体质量的平均杂种优势率均高于其他3个性状。该研究的结果表明杂交群体性状的改进为进一步选育奠定了基础。
关键词:  合浦珠母贝(Pinctada fucata)  双列杂交群体  生长  配合力  杂交优势
基金项目:现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-48); 广东省海洋渔业科技推广专项(A201301A02, A201301A08, Z2014003)
Growth performances and genetic analysis of complete diallel crosses of Pinctada fucata based on three cultured populations
HUANG Gui-ju,CHEN Fei-fei,LIU Bao-suo,FAN Si-gang,XING Kong-wu,YU Da-hui
To improve the genetic quality of pearl oysters (Pinctada fucata) and to develop new species, in this study, we developed complete diallel crosses using three stocks of pearl oysters from Beihai (B), Xuwen (X), and Sanya (S). We then evaluated the growth performances of the eight-months-old F1 generation with respect to shell length, shell height, shell width, and body weight. In addition, we analyzed hybrid vigor and general and specific combining abilities with respect to these four growth traits. The results showed that the growth performances of the crossbreds were significantly better than those of the purebreds, as measured by the four traits of the crossbreds, the growth performances of S()×B() and S()×X() were significantly higher than any other crosses with respect to the four traits. ANOVA results showed no significant differences among the three purebreds. The Sanya stock had the best general combining abilities, while the S()×X() cross had the best specific combining abilities. All the crossbreds showed heterosis in the four growth traits to some extent, ranging from 0.24% to 52.62%. The heterosis differed for different combinations or different traits. While the heterosis in S()×B() and S()×X() were greater than those of the reverse crosses B()×S() or X()×S() for the four growth traits, the shell width of the cross B()×S() had the lowest heterosis rate (0.24%). The heterosis related to body weight were the highest of the four traits for all crosses. These six genetically improved crossbreds can be used as base populations to further breed new varieties.
Key words:  Pinctada fucata  diallel population  growth  combining ability  heterosis
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