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引用本文:胡发文,张少春,王 雪,高凤祥,菅玉霞,李 莉,潘 雷,郭 文.大泷六线鱼全人工繁育技术研究[J].海洋科学,2016,40(3):71-76.
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胡发文1, 张少春1, 王 雪1, 高凤祥1, 菅玉霞1, 李 莉1, 潘 雷1, 郭 文1
2012年~2014年, 作者在山东省海洋生物研究院鳌山卫中试基地进行了大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)全人工繁育研究, 通过人工促熟、激素诱导, 培育F1代全人工亲鱼558尾(雄鱼231尾, 雌鱼327尾), 获得受精卵33.0万粒, 孵化F2代仔鱼30.0万尾, 受精率98%, 孵化率91%。在水温16~17℃、盐度31、pH 7.8~8.1、溶解氧6 mg/L 条件下, 历时110 d, 培育平均全长6.2 cm F2代苗种11.7万尾, 苗种成活率39%。作者在国内外首次开展了大泷六线鱼全人工繁育技术研究, 丰富了大泷六线鱼养殖基础资料, 为大泷六线鱼产业的发展奠定基础。
关键词:  大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)  人工繁育
基金项目:山东省科技发展计划资助项目(2011GHY11502); 山东省渔业资源修复行动计划资助项目
An artificial breeding technique for the fat greenling Hexagrammos otakii
HU Fa-wen,ZHANG Shao-chun,WANG Xue,GAO Feng-xiang,JIAN Yu-xia,LI Li,PAN Lei,GUO Wen
This article presents the results of an artificial technique used for breeding the fat greenling Hexagrammos otakii from 2012 to 2014 together with key technologies, such as broodstock culture, induced spawning, egg incubation, and larval culture. Using 558 first filial broodstocks (231 males, 327 females), 30×104 larvae were hatched from 33×104 artificially fertilized eggs. The average rates of fertilization and incubation reached 98% and 91%, respectively. Total 11.7×104 healthy second filial fries were successfully cultivated with an average total length of 6.2 cm and survival rate of 39% at a water temperature of 16–17℃, salinity 31, pH 7.8–8.1, and oxygen 6 mg/L. This study was conducted for the first time with H. otakii artificial breeding technology, which enriched the H. otakii base data and laid a solid foundation for the development of H. otakii industry.
Key words:  Hexagrammos otakii  artificial breeding
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