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引用本文:孙 静,黄 勇.中华钩线虫的DNA条形码研究及分类意义探讨[J].海洋科学,2016,40(9):39-44.
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孙 静1, 黄 勇1
聊城大学 生命科学学院
海洋线虫是海洋底栖生物中数量上最丰富的类群, 在海洋生态系统中起着重要的作用。对海洋线虫进行种类鉴定是线虫研究中最重要的工作之一。目前, 海洋线虫的鉴定主要采用形态学的分析方法, 但是这种方法往往费时费力, 对于如此丰富的物种, 急需新的鉴定方法。作者以黄海潮间带自由生活线虫优势种——中华钩线虫 (Oncholaimus sinensis)为例, 在形态学分类的基础上, 将DNA 条形码技术引入线虫的鉴定中, 探讨了线粒体细胞色素C 氧化酶第一亚基(mtCOI)基因序列、28S rDNA 序列的D2D3 区以及18S rDNA 序列的部分序列作为DNA 条形码在中华钩线虫中的适用性。结果表明, 18S rDNA 序列可作为该种线虫的DNA 条形码, 为海洋线虫的DNA 条形码研究提供了很好的借鉴。目前,利用 DNA 条形码技术对海洋线虫进行鉴定的报道在国内还属空白, 本研究将是海洋线虫分类学研究的很好补充。同时, 对于了解该海域海洋线虫多样性及群落分布格局, 开展海洋环境监测, 进而对海洋的底质环境状况进行健康评价具有十分重要的科学意义。
关键词:  中华钩线虫(Oncholaimus sinensis)  形态鉴定  DNA 条形码
基金项目:山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2014DM008); 聊城大学博士基金资助项目(3180500)
DNA barcoding analysis and taxonomic significance of the marine nematode Oncholaimus sinensis
Marine nematodes are the most dominant and diverse meiofaunal group in marine benthic habitats. They are important to the functioning of estuarine and marine ecosystems. Identification of marine nematodes is one of the most significant aspects in their study. Nematode diagnostics has traditionally relied on detailed morphological examination that requires specialist taxonomic expertise. Given their abundance, morphological taxonomy is time consuming and laborious. The primary purpose of this study was to identify Oncholaimus sinensis Zhang & Platt, 1983, using standard taxonomic approaches and DNA barcoding. Here, we describe the identification of O. sinensis Zhang & Platt, 1983, using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase c subunit (COI) gene, 28S sequences (D2D3 domain), and a short stretch of 18S rRNA sequence. Our results indicated that 18S rRNA sequence may be better suited for DNA barcoding of O. sinensis, providing a reference for barcoding marine nematodes. DNA barcodes provide powerful tools for rapid species identification and can be quickly applied in ecological studies on marine nematodes. DNA barcoding analysis of marine nematodes has not yet been reported in China. This study would be a good supplement to identification of marine nematodes. This would be of great significance to the assessment of nematode diversity and regional community distribution, monitoring of marine environment, and status evaluation of marine sediments.
Key words:  Marine nematode Oncholaimus sinensis  morphological identification  DNA barcoding
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