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引用本文:刘 强,闫玉茹,项立辉,张晓飞,彭修强.盐城滨海港区防波堤建设对水下地形的影响研究[J].海洋科学,2017,41(3):80-88.
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刘 强1, 闫玉茹1, 项立辉1, 张晓飞1, 彭修强1
利用双频测深仪和声学多普勒流速仪对滨海港区附近海域进行了区域测深和定点全潮水文观测,通过与以往调查研究资料的对比, 分析了防波堤建成前后海底冲淤变化特征。研究结果表明: 近20年以来水下岸坡为侵蚀最剧烈的区域, 海底平原则处于相对稳定状态; 受自然侵蚀的影响, 水下岸坡继续向岸内移, 目前最强侵蚀区已内移至–8~–12 m水深的水下岸坡; 近年来自然侵蚀明显减弱, 年均侵蚀速率约为前10年的1/4; 受防波堤挡流效应的影响, 口门南侧已由往复流转变为旋转流; 目前已出现三大淤积区域, 其中以口门处淤积最严重, 最大淤积厚达3.5 m, 已造成口门处水深不足–10 m; 防波堤对周边海域直接影响范围约13.4 km2, 最远可达废黄河口。分析认为, 防波堤建设是引起港区海底冲淤格局发生变化的主因。该研究为防波堤的后续维护及滨海港区30万t级航道工程论证提供了基础资料。
关键词:  滨海港区  防波堤  冲淤变化  废黄河三角洲
基金项目:中国地质调查局海洋地质保障工程专项(GZH201200506);江苏沿海地区综合地质调查专项(苏国土资发[2014]47 号)
The influence of breakwater construction on the underwater terrain in the Binhai Port, Yancheng City
LIU Qiang,YAN Yu-ru,XIANG Li-hui,ZHANG Xiao-fei,PENG Xiu-qiang
A bathymetric survey and fixed-point observation of marine hydrology at the Binhai Port was conducted using the dual frequency sounder and acoustic Doppler current profiler. The characteristics of erosion and deposition before and after breakwater construction were analyzed by comparing with data obtained from previous studies. The results showed that offshore slope was the major area of erosion, whereas sea-bottom plain was relatively stable in the last 20 years. Offshore slopes have a tendency of moving toward the shore. The area with the highest amount of erosion has a depth of around ?8 m to ?12 m. The rate of natural erosion has significantly lowered in recent times, and the average annual erosion rate is approximately 1/4 times of that observed in the last 10 years. The rectilinear flow was changed to rotating flow at the southern entrance, and it was influenced by the baffle effect of the breakwater. Three deposition areas have been identified in recent years, the most serious area being the one at the harbor entrance; the maximum deposition in this area was 3.5 m in thickness and ?10 m in depth. The breakwater construction influenced approximately 13.4 km2 of the surrounding area, including the Yellow River Estuary. We observed that the construction of breakwater was an important factor for the redistribution of sediments. The study provided the basic data for the maintenance of the breakwater and the subsequent establishment of a 300 000 ton waterway project on the Binhai Port.
Key words:  the Binhai Port  breakwater  erosion and deposition  abandoned the Yellow River Delta
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