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陈瑞瑞1, 蒋雪中1
利用2000~2015 年Terra-MODIS(terra-moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer, 中等分辨率成像光谱仪)数据和2014年洪枯季现场数据建立泥沙反演模型, 分析入长江河口泥沙大幅减少后河口表层悬沙向浙闽沿岸输运的时空变化和扩散形态。结果表明: (1)利用MODIS数据的二次型模型能够揭示长江口及邻近海域悬沙分布及输运特征, 入海输运的长江口悬浮泥沙是浙闽沿岸连续悬浮泥沙带存在的物源; (2)受季风和沿岸流动力驱动, 长江口悬沙向浙闽沿岸输运具有明显的季节性: 春季, 悬浮泥沙从长江口向浙闽沿岸呈条带状输运, 春夏之交, 南下的悬沙至温岭近岸海域出现中断现象; 夏季,长江口大量悬沙滞留在长江口杭州湾近岸, 仅有少量悬沙向南输运, 泥沙带中断; 秋季, 10月下旬—11月中旬逐渐形成连续的近岸泥沙带; 历冬至春, 循环复始; (3)受近年来长江流域进入河口的泥沙减少影响, 浙闽沿岸秋冬季连续的输沙带在春季提前断开, 在秋季有推迟恢复的现象。本研究对于探究浙闽沿岸泥沙减少新格局, 分析近海生态环境新变化具有重要意义。
关键词:  中等分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)  反演模型  悬浮泥沙  浙闽沿岸  长江口
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41271547, 41401644); 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA05010400)
Analysis of suspended sediment variations from the Yangtze Estuary to Zhejiang-Fujian Provincial coastal waters using remotely sensed data
CHEN Rui-rui,JIANG Xue-zhong
The construction of a number of dams in the Changjiang River basin (and in particular, large dams in the mainstream) has led to a sharp reduction in the amount of suspended sediment transported from the basin to the sea. This study was instigated to determine the effect on adjacent waters from a change in sediment source, and the paper focuses on spatial and temporal variations in suspended sediments from the Yangtze Estuary to Zhejiang-Fujian Provincial coastal sea obtained from remotely sensed data. A reliable model is established (according to in-situ measurements in different seasons during 2014) to extract suspended sediment concentration (SSC) from Terra- moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) images, and the SSC transport mechanism is studied based on results of these analyses. Results reveal that the transportation of suspended sediment from the Yangtze Estuary to the south coast has an obvious seasonal variation and is driven by the monsoon and coastal ocean currents. In spring, suspended sediment is transported as a strip from the Yangtze Estuary to Zhejiang-Fujian Provincial coastal water, and in late spring the suspended sediment transport is interrupted by Wenling coastal waters. In summer, a large amount of suspended sediment is left stranded in the Yangtze Estuary and the Hangzhou Bay: these interruptions are obvious. In autumn, a continuous coastal suspended sediment strip gradually forms between mid-October and late November. In recent years, under the influence of reducing suspended sediment from the river basin into the estuary, the continuous suspended sediment strip in winter has been broken off prior to spring and recovery has been delayed in autumn.
Key words:  moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS)  inverse model  suspended sediment concentration  Zhejiang-Fujian Provincial coastal waters  the Yangtze Estuary
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