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引用本文:李 玥,赵秋萍,安建梅.亚洲特有种——卵圆扁蝼蛄虾鳃虱的形态特性及地理分布分析[J].海洋科学,2017,41(4):38-43.
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李 玥1, 赵秋萍1, 安建梅1
山西师范大学 生命科学学院
作者详细观察并记录了中国山东烟台优势种卵圆扁蝼蛄虾鳃虱(Gyge ovalis Shiino, 1939)的形态学特征, 比较了不同地域该种的形态学差异, 应用扫描电镜技术, 发现了该物种雄性个体的关键鉴定特征。研究结果表明: 中国、日本、韩国的卵圆扁蝼蛄虾鳃虱在形态特征方面雌性个体差异较大, 雄性个体差异较小; 卵圆扁蝼蛄虾鳃虱的地理分布相对较集中, 主要分布在中国山东和台湾两省、韩国、日本, 确定其为亚洲特有种; 通过扫描电镜, 首次发现卵圆扁蝼蛄虾鳃虱的雄性个体中腹突上有呈鳞片状分布的“锯齿”状刚毛。
关键词:  卵圆扁蝼蛄虾鳃虱(Gyge ovalis Shiino, 1939)  形态学特征  地理分布  特有种
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No. 31471970)
Morphological characters and geographical distribution of Asian endemic species——Gyge ovalis (Crustacea: Isopoda)
LI Yue,ZHAO Qiu-ping,AN Jian-mei
Morphological characters of the dominant species Gyge ovalis (Shiino, 1939) from Yantai, Shandong province were differentiated from the species originating from different locations using a scanning electron microscope. Following this, the key features of the males of this species were recorded. We found that, 1) morphologically, the females collected from China, Japan and Korea were larger than the males; 2) Gyge ovalis (Shiino, 1939) could be found in places such as Asia, Shandong province (China), Korea, and Japan. Gyge ovalis (Shiino, 1939) surely is endemic to Asia; however, for the first time, we report that the males from Yantai have a distinguished character of serrated setae on the surface of mid-ventral tuberculate.
Key words:  Gyge ovalis  morphological characters  geographical distribution  endemic species
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