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引用本文:田 源,温海深,李吉方,张美昭,张凯强,王 伟,王晓龙,常志成.不同饵料组成对花鲈幼鱼生长和生理活性影响研究[J].海洋科学,2017,41(4):31-37.
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田 源1, 温海深1, 李吉方1, 张美昭1, 张凯强1, 王 伟1, 王晓龙1, 常志成1
中国海洋大学 水产学院 海水养殖教育部重点实验室
为探究不同饵料组成对北方人工繁育花鲈(Lateolabrax maculatus)幼鱼生长和生理活性的影响,优化花鲈幼鱼饵料组成, 作者采用投喂不同组成的饵料研究其对花鲈幼鱼的生长和消化酶活性的影响,实验采用63日龄幼鱼, 设4个处理组, 分别组1 投喂卤虫(Artemia)、组2高蛋白配合饲料、组3 低蛋白配合饲料和组4冰鲜桡足类, 共40 d。结果表明, 组2的生长速度、最终体长、体质量、特定生长率、绝对生长率、增质量率均大于其余3组, 组3的生长状况次之, 但与其他2 组并无显著性差异(P<0.05); 除组1的蛋白酶最大活性出现在实验中期, 其他3组的蛋白酶变化与其生长状况相符, 最大值均出现在103日龄, 各组间差异显著; 4组的淀粉酶活性呈上升趋势, 在103日龄时, 组1 的淀粉酶活性大于组2, 并显著大于组3和组4; 组1的脂肪酶活性在实验后期迅速上升, 并在103日龄达到最大值, 而其余3组的脂肪酶活性呈下降趋势, 103日龄时组3和组4脂肪酶活性显著小于组2和组1(P<0.05)。研究表明, 花鲈幼鱼摄食高蛋白配合饲料生长状况最好, 摄食低蛋白配合饲料生长状况次之,摄食卤虫状况最差, 出于经济的考虑, 建议投喂低蛋白配合饲料。
关键词:  花鲈(Lateolabrax maculatus)幼鱼  不同饵料  生长  消化酶活性
DOI:10.11759/hykx 20160628001
基金项目:国家“ 十二五” 国家科技支撑计划重大资助项目(2011BAD13B03); 东营市海洋与渔业局资助项目(20150217)
Effects of different diets on growth performance and physiological activities in Lateolabrax maculatus juveniles
TIAN Yuan,WEN Hai-shen,LI Ji-fang,ZHANG Mei-zhao,ZHANG Kai-qiang,WANG Wei,WANG Xiao-long,CHANG Zhi-cheng
We fed juvenile Lateolabrax maculatus with Artemia (group 1), high protein (group 2), low protein (group 3), and frozen copepods (group 4) from 63 days after hatching (DAH) to 103 DAH to elucidate effects of different diets on growth performance and physiological activities. Final body length/weight, specific growth rate, average growth rate, and weight gain of group 2 were higher than those in the other groups. Pepsin and trypsin activities of group 1 peaked in the middle of the experiment, while the activities of the other groups peaked 103 DAH with significant differences. Amylase (AMS) activity of all groups increased during the experiment with the maximum in group 1 at 103 DAH. In addition, AMS activity of group 1 was significantly higher than that in groups 3 and 4. Lipase activity of group 1 tended to increase, whereas that in the other groups decreased. Lipase activity of group 1 was maximum at 103 DAH, whereas that in groups 3 and 4 was significantly lower than lipase activity in groups 1 and 2. These results show that L. maculatus juveniles displayed better growth performance with protein-contained feed and that the Artemia diet led to poor growth performance, suggesting that low protein compound feed is cost-effective for rearing L. maculatus juveniles.
Key words:  Lateolabrax maculatus juveniles  different diets  growth  digestive enzymes
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