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引用本文:陈 敏,杨多利,李雪薇.特异的隐藻藻胆蛋白的性质及存在状态[J].海洋科学,2017,41(4):128-136.
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陈 敏1, 杨多利1, 李雪薇1
烟台大学 生命科学学院
隐藻藻胆蛋白继承自红藻, 但其蛋白和色基结构、组成、性质、在叶绿体中的存在部位等方面都与报道较多的红、蓝藻藻胆蛋白不同, 是藻胆蛋白中较为特异的一个进化分支。目前对隐藻藻胆蛋白的了解比红、蓝藻藻胆蛋白要少得多, 且各种报道之间存在差异甚至矛盾之处。本文从隐藻藻胆蛋白的生化特性、聚合形式和在类囊体膜腔中的存在状态等方面入手, 对目前已发现的隐藻藻胆蛋白的研究近况做了综述和分析, 并就存在的问题和解决方法做了讨论。
关键词:  隐藻  藻胆蛋白  生化特性  聚合  膜腔定位
Characteristics and existential states of novel phycobiliproteins in cryptophyte algae
CHEN Min,YANG Duo-li,LI Xue-wei
Cryptophyte phycobiliproteins are derived from red algae, but they vary in their protein and phycobilin structures, composition, properties, and existential states within chloroplasts compared to phycobiliproteins derived from red and blue–green algae; therefore, they are considered as a unique evolutionary branch of phycobiliproteins. Currently, cryptophyte phycobiliproteins are considerably less understood than phycobiliproteins derived from red and blue algae; among reports, many differences and even contradictions appear. In this study, the present research status regarding biochemical characteristics, aggregation forms, and existential states in the thylakoid lumen of cryptophyte phycobiliproteins currently found are summarized and reviewed; current research of the unknown and solutions for future investigations are also discussed.
Key words:  cryptophyte  phycobiliprotein  biochemical characteristics  aggregation  location in the lumen
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