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引用本文:宋德彬,高志强,徐福祥,郑翔宇,张 华,胡晓珂,黄国培,章海波.渤海生态系统健康评价及对策研究[J].海洋科学,2017,41(5):17-26.
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宋德彬1,2, 高志强1, 徐福祥1,2, 郑翔宇1,2, 张 华1, 胡晓珂1, 黄国培1,2, 章海波1
1.中国科学院 烟台海岸带研究所;2.中国科学院大学
根据2014~2016年渤海各航次监测数据, 选择22项因子构建表征研究区水环境、沉积环境、生态系统健康状态的评价指标体系, 利用AHP层次分析方法对渤海生态系统的健康状况进行了评价。结果表明, 渤海综合生态指数CEI为0.643, 健康等级为中级, 表明渤海生态系统整体处于亚健康的状态。生态健康较差和差的区域主要集中在莱州湾-渤海湾及其毗连地带的黄河三角洲地区; 唐山-秦皇岛-葫芦岛近海及其纵深海域大体处于中级健康水准; 渤海中部海区及其毗连的渤海海峡区域, 海洋生态健康水平较高。根据评价结果, 认为陆源输入、围填海工程是莱州湾和渤海湾的主要胁迫因子, 并探讨了相应对策, 以期为渤海的综合管理提供决策支持。
关键词:  渤海  生态系统健康  对策  AHP
基金项目:中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA11020000, A 类); 中国科学院重点部署项目(KZZD-EW-14); 科技部基础支撑项目(2014FY210600)
Assessment of ecosystem health in the Bohai Sea and countermeasures study
SONG De-bin,GAO Zhi-qiang,XU Fu-xiang,ZHENG Xiang-yu,ZHANG Hua,HU Xiao-ke,HUANG Guo-pei,ZHANG Hai-bo
Based on the index system of 22 indicators including water environment, sedimentary environment, and ecosystem obtained from the investigation data of several voyages in the Bohai Sea during 2014 to 2016, the ecosystem health in the Bohai Sea was assessed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The results showed the CEI value of marine ecosystem health is 0.643 and its health level is medium, which indicates the ecosystem health around the Bohai Sea is in a sub-health state. The maritime areas with poor ecosystem performance were located mainly in Laizhou Bay, Bohai Bay, and its adjacent area of the Yellow River Delta. The ecosystem health of offshore waters and high-seas area nearby Tangshan, Qinhuangdao, and Huludao were generally at an intermediate level. The central study area along with Bohai Straits displayed relatively better health state. Be familiar with the assessment result, this paper performed analysis on the health stress factors in Laizhou Bay and Bohai Bay, and obtained land-based input and reclamation results. Based on these stress factors, countermeasures are studied to provide decision support in the management of the Bohai Sea.
Key words:  the Bohai Sea  ecosystem health  countermeasures  AHP
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