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杨万康1, 伊小飞2, 陈忠彪3
1.国家海洋局第二海洋研究所 工程海洋学重点实验室;2.广东海洋大学 海洋与气象学院;3.南京信息工程大学 海洋科学学院
三门湾海域水波共振现象较为显著, 容易引发海洋灾害。针对三门湾这一典型半封闭海湾, 分别从理论推导和数值模拟两方面研究了三门湾的共振周期。研究发现: 理论推导结果可以用于对海湾整体共振周期的粗略估计, 数值模拟结果更加精确, 也能充分反映海湾内不同水域的共振特征。数值模拟结果表明, 三门湾内各水域普遍存在3~4个共振周期模态, 湾内各水道第一模态和第三模态共振周期数值解与理论值较为接近, 石浦水道与外海相联通, 共振周期不显著。三门湾内各水域共振周期第一模态对应的振幅最大, 然后依次递减, 但湾顶的青山港、蛇蟠水道第二模态共振周期及对应的振幅值与第一模态相差较小, 基本呈现双峰结构。共振振幅由湾外向三门湾顶部逐渐增加, 尤其是湾顶处振幅增益比较显著。通过本研究可以为三门湾的防灾减灾提供科学依据。
关键词:  半封闭海湾  共振  理论推导  数值模拟
Calculation and study of resonant period in semi-closed bay
YANG Wan-kang,YI Xiao-fei,CHEN Zhong-biao
The wave resonance phenomenon is significant in Sanmen Bay and leads to many marine disasters. As a typical semi-closed bay, we investigated the resonance period of Sanmen Bay by theoretical formulation and numerical simulation. We found the theoretical formula to be of use in estimating the resonance period of the bay but the numerical simulation results were more accurate and reasonable, because the differences in the resonance characteristics of the bay waters can be described in greater detail. The numerical results show there to be 4–5 resonant period modes in Sanmen Bay, and the numerical simulation solutions of the first and third modal resonance periods are close to the theoretical values. The Shipu waterway is connected with the offshore region, so its resonance period is not significant. The first mode amplitude of the resonance period is the largest and then it decreases with increasing mode, but there is only a slight difference between the first and second modes with respect to the period and amplitude values of the Qingshan port and Shepan waterway, which show a bimodal structure. The resonant amplitude gain gradually increases from outside to the inside of the bay, and is especially significant at the top of bay . Through this study, we have established a scientific basis for Sanmen Bay disaster prevention.
Key words:  semi-closed bay  resonance  theoretical derivation  numerical simulation
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