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引用本文:章 蔚,杨 红,丁 骏,吉新磊.近海海上风电场水下噪声传播模型适用性研究[J].海洋科学,2017,41(7):78-86.
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章 蔚1, 杨 红1, 丁 骏1, 吉新磊1
上海海洋大学 海洋科学学院
通过现场采集近海海上风电场工程区运营期风机水下噪声和背景噪声数据, 计算了噪声信号的倍频带声压级, 功率谱级和峰值声压级, 确定了海上风电场水下噪声总声源级为148.3 dB, 以此开展近海海上风电工程风机水下噪声频域特性、功率密度谱特性等研究。在此基础上使用Kraken简正波模型和Bellhop射线模型对风电场运营期风机水下噪声在水平与垂直方向上的传播进行模拟, 模拟了噪声在不同频带内的衰减程度, 结果显示模型模拟结果在不同频率下的衰减趋势有着很大差异, 产生了明显的多途干涉现象, 通过实测数据对建立的噪声传播模型进行验证, 发现Kraken简正波模型在500 Hz以下, Bellhop射线模型在500 Hz以上适合模拟实际水下噪声传播情形, 同时海区本身背景噪声的存在会对预测的准确性产生影响。这些结论可用于进一步对近海海上风电场水下噪声传播的研究。
关键词:  海上风电场  水下噪声  噪声传播模型
The applicability research of offshore wind farm underwater noise propagation model
ZHANG Wei,YANG Hong,DING Jun,JI Xin-lei
The noise signals of the octave band sound pressure level, the power spectrum, and the peak sound pressure level were calculated by the acquisition of the offshore wind farm project operating period and the background noise data. The underwater noise source strength of wind turbines was 148.3 dB. Studies on the frequency domain characteristics and power density spectrum characteristics of offshore wind farm engineering area underwater noise were carried out using these data. On this basis, using Kraken model and Bellhop model, the propagation of wind farm operating period underwater noise in the horizontal and vertical distance was simulated and the degree of noise attenuation in different frequency bands was predicted. It was observed that the different simulation results under different frequency attenuation trends showed a large difference and an obvious multi-approach interference phenomenon. The noise propagation models were verified by the measured data, and the adaptive frequency range of the two models was obtained (Kraken model is suitable for frequency below 500 Hz; Bellhop model can be applied to a frequency of more than 500 Hz). The presence of background noise could affect the accuracy of the prediction. These results could be used to predict the spread of the offshore wind farm underwater noise further.
Key words:  offshore wind farm  underwater noise  noise propagation model
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