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引用本文:金久才,崔文连,张 杰,孙立娥.无人船系统应用于水库水样离岸采集——以棘洪滩水库为例[J].海洋科学,2018,42(1):11-14.
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金久才1, 崔文连2, 张 杰1, 孙立娥2
水库水质监测是水库水质评价的重要依据, 通常需要现场采水样后带回实验室进行检测与分析。然而一些特殊情况下, 例如库区无船、情况复杂等, 只能获得沿岸水样, 导致水质监测结果无法代表水库整体水质质量。本文针对水库的水样离岸采集, 基于自研发的无人船系统, 设计集成了采水泵,并利用无人船位点跟踪技术, 实现了远距离定点遥控采水样功能。在青岛棘洪滩水库, 利用该系统, 设置了两个采样点(离岸50 m和离岸1300 m), 并成功获取了水样。在实验室内, 利用分光光度计、离子色谱仪、电感耦合等离子体质谱仪等设备, 完成了所采集水样的水质分析。实验结果表明, 无人船应用于水库水样离岸采集具有可行性、实用性。
关键词:  无人船  水库水样离岸采集  水质监测
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC1405203); 国家自然科学基金项目(61401111); 国家海洋公益性行业科研专项(201505005-2)
Water sampling from reservoirs in offshore districts using an unmanned surface vehicle: an application for the Ji-hong-tan reservoir
JIN Jiu-cai,CUI Wen-lian,ZHANG Jie,SUN Li-e
Water quality monitoring is an important method to evaluate the quality of water in a reservoir, and in situ water sampling is required for subsequent testing and analysis of the drawn samples in a lab. However, in some special cases, where there are no boats in the reservoir or in a complicated district, water is only sampled at the shore. This results in an inaccurate evaluation of the water quality of a reservoir. In this paper, a water pump system is designed and integrated into our unmanned surface vehicle (USV) to solve the water sampling problem of reservoirs in offshore districts. Waypoint following for autonomous control is used to achieve remote water sampling from the plan points. In our experiment, water is sampled successfully at two plan points which are 50 m and 1300 m offshore at the Ji-hong-tan reservoir. In the lab, the quality of the water samplings is analyzed using a spectrophotometer, an ion chromatograph, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. It is shown that water sampling from a reservoir in an offshore district using an USV is viable and practical.
Key words:  Unmanned ship  offshore collection of reservoir water  water quality monitoring
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