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引用本文:李红艳,王璇璇,李 晓,刘天红,姜晓东,孙元芹,纪 蕾,王 颖.鼠尾藻中岩藻黄素的提取工艺研究[J].海洋科学,2018,42(2):71-77.
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李红艳1, 王璇璇2, 李 晓1, 刘天红1, 姜晓东1, 孙元芹1, 纪 蕾1, 王 颖1
1.山东省海洋生物研究院;2.中国海洋大学 海洋生命学院
以鼠尾藻为原料, 采用有机溶剂法提取岩藻黄素。通过单因素实验, 分析了不同有机溶剂、料液比、温度及时间对岩藻黄素提取率的影响, 并通过响应面法对提取工艺进行优化。结果表明, 最佳的提取工艺为90%甲醇溶液, 料液比1︰33, 提取温度60℃, 提取时间3.25 h, 提取率达到1.368 mg/g。
关键词:  鼠尾藻  岩藻黄素  提取  响应面法
Optimization of fucoxanthin extraction from Sargassum thunbergii
LI Hong-yan,WANG Xuan-xuan,LI Xiao,LIU Tian-hong,JIANG Xiao-dong,SUN Yuan-qin,JI Lei,WANG Ying
In this paper, the technology of extracting fucoxanthin from Sargassum thunbergii is studied. Single-factor experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of different solvent, solid-liquid ratio, extraction temperature, and extraction time on the fucoxanthin extraction yield. The extraction technology is optimized by the response surface methodology. The results show that the optimal parameters for extraction are as follows: 90% methanol, solid-liquid ratio of 1︰32.8, 60℃ extraction temperature, and 3.25 h extraction time. The yield rate of fucoxanthin is 1.368 mg/g under optimal conditions. This work provides a theoretical basis for raw material selection for fucoxanthin extraction and the further development and utilization of S. thunbergii.
Key words:  Sargassum thunbergii  fucoxanthin  extraction  response surface method
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