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引用本文:姜建新,丁喜桂,冯秀丽,姜 波,滕 珊,田动会,王晓明.辽河三角洲沉积物工程地质特征分析[J].海洋科学,2018,42(3):1-10.
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姜建新1, 丁喜桂2,3, 冯秀丽1, 姜 波1, 滕 珊1, 田动会1, 王晓明1
1.海底科学与探测技术教育部重点实验室, 中国海洋大学 海洋地球科学学院;2.中国地质调查局滨海湿地生物地质重点实验室;3.青岛海洋地质研究所
基于小凌河、大凌河、双台子河、大辽河附近的钻孔资料, 分析了4条河流附近的沉积物组成以及工程地质特征。结果表明, 辽河三角洲地区沉积物为粉土、黏土和砂土为主, 在小凌河地区14m以下地层出现了厚度达16m的砾石层; 辽河三角洲小凌河和大凌河地区浅部地层有一层超过1m的淤泥层, 工程性质较差, 除淤泥层外, 其他地层含水量一般不超过30%, 以中低压缩性土为主; 辽河三角洲地区的承载力特征随着深度的增加而增大; 在桩径为1 200mm, 壁厚24.0mm的钢管桩情况下, 辽河三角洲地区30m深度处地层单桩极限承载力的最大值均可达到9 000kN, 但在淤泥层、粉质黏土和黏土层的承载力出现急剧减少的现象, 在工程建设中应根据实际情况选择合适的持力层。研究成果对该地区的陆地工程建设和防灾减灾具有重要的指导意义。
关键词:  辽河三角洲  沉积物  工程地质特征  单桩极限承载力
Analysis of the Liaohe Delta sediment engineering geological characteristics in the Liaohe River
JIANG Jian-xin,DING Xi-gui,FENG Xiu-li,JIANG Bo,TENG Shan,TIAN Dong-hui,WANG Xiao-ming
In this paper, the sediment components and engineering geological characteristics around the Xiaolinghe River, the Dalinghe River, the Shuangtaizihe River, and the Daliaohe River are analyzed. The results show that silt, clay, and sand are the main sediments in the Liaohe River Delta area, and there is a 16-m-thick gravel layer 14 m below the strata of the Xiaolinghe River region. The Xiaolinghe River and the Dalinghe River areas each have a silt layer >1 m thick in their shallow strata, as well as poor engineering properties. Excluding the silt layer, the water contents of the other layers are generally not >30%, mainly in the low and medium compressible soil. Subgrade bearing capacity in the Liaohe River Delta increases with depth when the pile diameter and wall thickness are 1 200 mm and 24.0 mm, respectively. The maximum ultimate bearing capacity of a pile at 30 m depth can reach 9 000 kN, but the bearing capacities in the silt layer, silty clay, and clay layers are sharply reduced, so the appropriate bearing layer according to the actual situation should be selected. The research results are highly significant in guiding land construction and disaster prevention and mitigation.
Key words:  the Liaohe Delta  sediment  engineering geological characteristics  ultimate bearing capacity of single pile
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