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引用本文:吉新磊,杨 红,丁 骏,王春峰.近海风电场水下打桩辐射噪声特性测量分析[J].海洋科学,2018,42(3):11-16.
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吉新磊1, 杨 红1, 丁 骏1, 王春峰1
上海海洋大学 海洋科学学院
对滨海海上风电场一次完整的打桩过程不同水深处环境噪声进行监测和分析。结果表明: 打桩过程水下辐射噪声脉冲信号, 在所研究海域附近环境噪声级由原来打桩前的130 dB左右瞬间增加约20~50 dB, 20~20 000 Hz频段, 打桩噪声谱级高于工程前该海域背景环境噪声谱级约30~65 dB, 100~1 000 Hz频率打桩辐射噪声谱级出现多个峰值, 不同水深谱级最高峰值频率为200 Hz。根据打桩水下辐射噪声监测结果和浅海Marsh和Schulkin半经验公式, 计算打桩辐射噪声声源级(距声源中心1 m 处)为210.2 dB(参考声压1 μPa)。为水下打桩辐射噪声的深入研究提供了基础数据, 分析结果可供海洋环境和海洋生物保护研究参考。
关键词:  水下打桩噪声  海洋环境噪声  声传播  近海风电场
Measurement analysis on the radiation noise characteristics of underwater piling in offshore wind farm
JI Xin-lei,YANG Hong,DING Jun,WANG Chun-feng
A complete piling process of an offshore wind farm have been monitored and analyzed at different water depths. The results show that underwater radiation noise is an impulsive signal, and the ambient noise level near the construction sea waters was increased by 20–50 dB from the original 130 dB during the piling process. The underwater radiation noise spectrum level during piling is 30–65 dB higher than the background value in the study area before the project, and multiple consecutive peaks appeared in the frequency range of 100–1000 Hz. In addition, the highest peak of spectrum level was 200 Hz at different depths. Moreover, based on the results of underwater radiation noise monitoring and the shallow water semi-empirical equation by Marsh and Schulkin, the radiation noise source level caused by the piling process (1 m from the center of the sound source) was calculated to be 210.2 dB re 1 μPa. This paper can provide the basic data for further studies on underwater piling radiation noise, and the analysis results can be used as a reference for marine environment and marine biological protection.
Key words:  underwater pile driving  ambient noise of the sea  noise propagation  offshore wind farm
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