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引用本文:刘 慧,杨振男,刘 岚,陈碧双.海洋真菌Rhodotorulamucilageinosa GIM 2.157介导邻-、间-、对-溴苯乙酮的不对称还原反应[J].海洋科学,2018,42(3):106-112.
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海洋真菌Rhodotorulamucilageinosa GIM 2.157介导邻-、间-、对-溴苯乙酮的不对称还原反应
刘 慧1, 杨振男1, 刘 岚1,2, 陈碧双1,2
1.中山大学 海洋科学学院;2.中山大学 南海资源开发与保护协同创新中心
研究了海洋真菌介导邻-、间-、对- 溴苯乙酮的不对称还原反应。具体考察了Rhodotorulamucilageinosa GIM 2.157 对邻-、间-、对- 溴苯乙酮的催化活性和对映选择性, 并综合考察了反应温度、pH、反应时间和底物浓度等因素对还原产物的产率及立体选择性的影响。确定最佳反应条件: 反应温度为25℃, 反应体系的pH 为7, 反应时间为24 h, 底物浓度为10 mmol/L。在最佳条件下, 产率以及立体选择性均>99%。
关键词:  海洋真菌  邻-、间-、对- 溴苯乙酮  不对称还原  生物催化
基金项目:高校基本科研业务费中山大学青年教师培育项目(17lgpy58);国家自然科学基金(41706148); 广东省自然科学基金(2017A030310232);海洋经济创新发展区域示范专项(2018ZX09735010)
Asymmetric bioreduction of o-, m-, and p-bromo acetophenone by whole cells of marine-derived fungi
LIU Hui,YANG Zhen-nan,LIU Lan,CHEN Bi-Shuang
In this study, the catalytic activity and enantioselectivity of Rhodotorula mucilageinosa GIM 2.157 toward the bioreduction of o-, m-, and p-bromoacetophenone to chiral alcohols were investigated. The effects of reaction temperature, pH, reaction time, and substrate concentration on the yield and enantioselectivity of the product, (S)-1-(4-bromophenyl)ethanol, were evaluated. The determined optimum reaction conditions are as follows: 25℃ reaction temperature, reaction system pH of 7, 24 h reaction time, and 10 mmol/L substrate concentration. Under the optimum conditions, the desired chiral alcohols were achieved with yield and ee up to > 99%.
Key words:  marine fungi  o-  m-  p-bromo acetophenone  asymmetric bioreduction  biocatalysis
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