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引用本文:虞未江,贾 超,狄胜同,袁 涵,朱恒华.基于模糊数学和改进层次分析法的海水入侵程度评价[J].海洋科学,2018,42(6):18-29.
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虞未江1,2, 贾 超1,2, 狄胜同1,2, 袁 涵1,2, 朱恒华3
1.山东大学 海洋研究院;2.山东大学 土建与水利学院;3.山东省地质调查院
基于模糊数学基本思想, 将海水入侵程度作为评价对象, 选择Cl-、Br-、SO42-、K+、SAR等5项能敏感反映海水入侵过程的水化学指标作为评价指标, 通过采用改进层次分析法计算各指标权重和运用模糊数学进行综合评价, 构建海水入侵程度综合评价的数学模型。以山东省招远市作为研究区,运用评价模型对该地区海水入侵程度进行评判, 评价结果较单一指标评价法更加合理准确, 具有较好的实用性, 可为当地海水入侵防控提供科学依据。研究表明, 该模型是海水入侵程度评价的一种简易高效、科学合理的方法, 可推广应用。
关键词:  模糊数学  改进层次分析法  海水入侵  水化学指标  综合评价
Evaluation of seawater intrusion degree based on fuzzy mathematics and improved analytic hierarchy process
YU Wei-jiang,JIA Chao,DI Sheng-tong,YUAN Han,ZHU Heng-hua
In this paper, a mathematical model for evaluating seawater intrusion comprehensively based on fuzzy math and improved analytic hierarchy process is founded. The model takes the invasion degree of seawater as the evaluation object and chooses five hydro-chemical indexes as evaluation indexes, including Cl-, Br-, SO42-, K+ and SAR (sodium adsorption ratio), the weight of each index is calculated by the improved analytic hierarchy process and the comprehensive evaluation was carried out by fuzzy mathematical method. Taking Zhaoyuan of Shandong Province as the study area, we use the evaluation model to evaluate the degree of seawater intrusion in this area, the results of evaluation are more reasonable and accurate than the results evaluated by the single index evaluation method, and can provide scientific basis for prevention of local seawater intrusion. The research shows that the model is a simple, efficient and reasonable method for evaluating the degree of seawater intrusion, also can be popularized and applied.
Key words:  fuzzy mathematical method  improved analytic hierarchy process  seawater intrusion  hydro-chemical indexes  comprehensive evaluation
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