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引用本文:陈招弟,李 健,翟倩倩,常志强,王佳佳,葛倩倩.水产用微生态制剂耐药性评估及耐药相关遗传元件检测[J].海洋科学,2018,42(6):132-140.
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陈招弟1,2,3, 李 健1,2,3, 翟倩倩2,3, 常志强2,3, 王佳佳2,3, 葛倩倩2,3
1.水产科学国家级实验教学示范中心(上海海洋大学);2.青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室 海洋渔业科学与食物产出过程功能实验室;3.中国水产科学研究院 黄海水产研究所农业农村部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室
以市场上购买的9种水产用微生态制剂为研究对象, 采用琼脂稀释法筛选其中的耐药菌株, 运用微量肉汤稀释法检测分离菌株对庆大霉素、恩诺沙星、诺氟沙星、氟苯尼考、磺胺嘧啶、磺胺甲基嘧啶、四环素、土霉素、万古霉素9种抗生素的耐药性, 结合聚合酶链式反应分析耐药菌株携带的耐药基因和可移动遗传元件(接合性质粒遗传标记、转座子、整合子和插入序列), 为微生态制剂的安全生产与监测提供参考。结果显示, 9种微生态制剂中都存在耐药菌株, 100株分离菌株对除恩诺沙星以外的8种抗生素都存在不同程度的耐药, 46%的株菌同时携带氟喹诺酮类、酰胺醇类、磺胺类、四环素类、氨基糖苷类和糖肽类耐药基因, 且有15株菌同时携带整合子-基因盒、质粒、转座子和插入序列, 携带两种及两种以上可移动遗传原件的比例为95%。微生态制剂产品可能存在一定的安全隐患, 应加强质量监测和市场监管。
关键词:  微生态制剂  抗生素  耐药基因  可移动遗传元件
基金项目:国家虾蟹产业技术体系(CARS-48); 山东省泰山产业领军人才工程项目(LNJY2015002); 中国水产科学研究院中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(2016HY-ZD1203); 青岛市2016年海洋经济创新发展示范城市项目
Assessment of drug resistance and detection of resistance genes and mobile genetic elements of aquatic microecologic agents
CHEN Zhao-di,LI Jian,ZHAI Qian-qian,CHANG Zhi-qiang,WANG Jia-jia,GE Qian-qian
In order to provide reference for the safe production and monitoring of microecologic agents, the agar dilution method was used to screen 9 kinds of aquatic microecologic agents purchased on the market. A broth dilution antifungal susceptibility testing was used to detect resistence of the isolates to the antibiotics gentamicin, enrofloxacin, norfloxacin, florfenicol, sulfadiazine, sulfamerazine, tetracycline, terramycin, vancomycin, and then detect the resistance genes and mobile genetic elements (genetic markers of conjugal plasmids, transposons, integrons and insertion sequences) by Polymerase Chain Reaction. The results showed that drug resistant strains were found in all the samples, and 100 isolates have different degrees of resistance to 8 antibiotics except to enrofloxacin. Among them, 46% of the strains carried fluoroquinolone, amphenicol, sulfonamide, tetracycline, aminoglycoside and glycopeptide resistant genes. 15 isolates carried integron-gene boxes, plasmids, transposons and insert sequences simultaneously, and 95% carry more than one removable genetic element. There are some hidden dangers of the probiotics, therefore quality monitoring and market supervision should be strengthened.
Key words:  microbial ecological agent  antibiotics  rsistance genes  removable genetic elements
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