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引用本文:王 伟,顾效源,赵 辉,丁喜桂,叶思源,肖 楠,于剑峰,李金鹏.山东芝罘湾表层沉积物重金属含量与环境质量评价[J].海洋科学,2018,42(7):1-9.
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王 伟1,2, 顾效源1,2, 赵 辉1,2, 丁喜桂3, 叶思源3, 肖 楠4, 于剑峰1,2, 李金鹏1,2
1.山东省海洋地质勘查院;2.山东省第三地质矿产勘查院;3.中国地质调查局 青岛海洋地质研究所;4.浙江省工程勘察院 海洋地质研究院
采取烟台芝罘湾海域110个海底表层沉积物样品, 对其进行重金属(Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、As、Ni)元素分析, 研究其空间分布特征及污染情况。结果显示, 烟台市芝罘湾海域重金属污染物基本集中在芝罘岛周边一带, 而莱山及牟平以东海域重金属含量较低。重金属含量等值线大致平行于海岸。本文环境质量评价方法主要为综合污染指数法等。评价结果显示, 研究区大部分海域环境质量较好,特别是莱山区及牟平区近海海域达到了清洁级别, 芝罘岛周边海域污染级别为轻污染-污染, 芝罘岛西部小范围海域达到重污染级别。此外, 相关分析表明重金属分布受粒径大小的影响比较显著, 个别重金属元素之间也具有一定的相关性。本研究首次对芝罘湾海域底质重金属环境质量进行客观评价, 能准确地切入地方需求, 为服务地方经济建设及海洋生态文明建设作出了重要贡献。
关键词:  沉积物  重金属  环境评价  芝罘湾
Distribution and environment assessment of heavy metals in sediments of the Zhifu Bay
WANG Wei,GU Xiao-yuan,ZHAO Hui,DING Xi-gui,YE Si-yuan,XIAO Nan,YU Jian-feng,LI Jin-peng
Heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb, Zn, Ni) and grain size of 110 surface sediment samples in the Zhifu Bay of Yantai City were analyzed to evaluate the spatial distribution and assess the risk of metal pollution. The results indicate that the high value of heavy metals are concentrated in the area of the Zhifu Island in the Zhifu Bay Yantai City. In generally, the concentrations of heavy metals are much lower in Laishan and east Muping sea areas. The contents of heavy metals appear degressive from south to north and the contour is roughly parallel the shoreslines. To assess the environmental quality with combined pollution index, it shows that the sea area around the Zhifu Island has been polluted much more serious, the level between light pollution to pollution. In particular, the sea area of the west Zhifu Island is heavy pollution level. However, the environment in most of the study area keeps high quality, especially the sea area of Lanshan and Muping. Furthermore, the distribution of heavy metals were substantially influenced by grain size, and there are significant correlation between the concentrations of heavy metals.
Key words:  sediment  heavy metals  environmental assessment  the Zhifu Bay
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