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引用本文:马玉菲,陈忠彪,张 彪,丘仲锋,何宜军,范仲珏,辛红雨.降雨条件下的导航X波段雷达海浪参数反演算法研究[J].海洋科学,2018,42(7):10-17.
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马玉菲1, 陈忠彪1, 张 彪1, 丘仲锋1, 何宜军1, 范仲珏1, 辛红雨1
南京信息工程大学 海洋科学学院
X波段的电磁波受降雨影响容易产生衰减, 这导致导航X波段雷达在降雨时无法用于海浪观测。本文提出了一种新的降低降雨影响的算法来反演海浪参数。首先, 对X波段雷达图像做主成分分析, 获得波浪变化的主成分, 利用一维傅里叶变换得到波数谱, 对其滤波减小降雨对雷达图像的影响; 然后,选取JONSWAP(Joint North Sea Wave Project)谱作为理论谱, 建立以观测谱与理论谱的最小化差异为目标函数的模型, 求解该模型估算海浪的有效波高。与浮标测量的有效波高相比, 该方法反演的有效波高的均方根误差是0.23 m, 证明了该方法的可行性。
关键词:  X波段海洋雷达  降雨  主成分分析  巴特沃斯滤波
基金项目:南京信息工程大学大学生创新项目(2017103000231); 江苏省杰出青年基金资助项目(BK20160090); 江苏省青年基金资助项目(BK20150905); 浙江海兰信息科技有限公司测浪雷达技术开发项目(HLD-ZS-201611001)
Study on the retrieval of wave parameters from X-band marine radar under rainy condition
MA Yu-fei,CHEN Zhong-biao,ZHANG Biao,QIU Zhong-feng,HE Yi-jun,FAN Zhong-jue,XIN Hong-yu
X-band electromagnetic wave is easily affected by rain, which causes X-band marine radar cannot be used to observe ocean waves under rain. A new method to reduce the influence of rain on X-band marine radar is proposed in this study. Firstly, the principal component of the waves is obtained by principal component analysis, and the wavenumber spectrum is got by Fourier transform, and then the noise caused by rain is reduced by Butterworth filtering. Secondly, assuming the Joint North Sea Water Project (JONSWAP) wave spectrum can be used in the study region, and a model is developed to minimize the difference between the JONSWAP spectrum and the wave spectrum inversed from radar images, and then the significant wave height (SWH) is estimated. The method is validated by comparing the SWH measured by buoy and those retrieved from X-band marine radar images, and the root-mean-square error between them is 0.23 m, so the method is reasonable.
Key words:  X-band marine radar  rain  principal component analysis  Butterworth filter
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