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引用本文:翟振峰,黄 华,詹杰民,张 敖.双层直立圆弧型防波堤上绕射波浪力的解析计算[J].海洋科学,2018,42(8):62-70.
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翟振峰1, 黄 华1, 詹杰民1, 张 敖1
中山大学 工学院应用力学与工程系
基于微幅波绕射理论, 应用特征函数展开法, 推导了双层直立圆弧型透空防波堤的波浪绕射解析解, 从而将已有的比例边界有限元法拓展为解析算法, 并据此对外层与内层防波堤所受波浪载荷进行了解析计算。计算结果表明: 应用本文方法对直立透空圆环柱的绕射波浪载荷进行验证计算, 所得结果与现有的解析解完全吻合, 说明方法可靠。双层堤较单层堤能更有效地减弱波浪作用。波浪的入射角度和特征参数、防波堤张角与半径、防波堤透空系数以及水深等因素的相对变化对双层堤的波浪作用均存在一定影响。
关键词:  微幅波理论  特征函数展开法  双层圆弧型透空防波堤  波浪力  波浪绕射
Analysis of diffracted wave force on a double-layered vertical arc-shaped breakwater
ZHAI Zhen-feng,HUANG Hua,ZHAN Jie-min,ZHANG Ao
Based on the small amplitude wave diffraction theory, we derive an analytical solution for the wave diffraction of a double-layered vertical arc-shaped porous breakwater. To do so, we apply the eigenfunction expansion approach, in which we extend the existing scaled-boundary finite element method to an analytical algorithm and calculate the wave loads on the outer and inner breakwaters. The evaluation results reveal that the obtained wave force on a vertical concentric porous cylinder is in good agreement with the existing analytical solution. This indicates that the method we present in this paper is reliable and that a double-layered breakwater can weaken the wave effect more effectively than a single-layer breakwater. Variations in the incident wave angle and wave characteristic parameters, breakwater angle and radius, porous coefficient, and water depth may have some influence on the wave effects.
Key words:  small amplitude wave  eigenfunction expansion approach  double-layered arc-shaped porous breakwater  wave force  wave diffraction
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