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引用本文:黄海龙,管卫兵,郑洋洋,杨成浩,王惠群,杨 昀.东中国海秋季三维环流诊断计算分析[J].海洋科学,2018,42(8):79-89.
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黄海龙1, 管卫兵1,2, 郑洋洋1, 杨成浩1, 王惠群1, 杨 昀2
1.卫星海洋环境动力学国家重点实验室 国家海洋局第二海洋研究所;2.浙江大学 海洋学院
基于2000年秋季东中国海水文观测资料, 应用三维有限元模式FEOM(Finite Element Ocean circulation Model), 在温盐保持不变的情况下进行诊断计算100d, 模拟结果再现了环流的主要特征: 由于海表面风的影响, 秋季东中国海表层的环流以西南向流为主, 在10m深以下由于风的影响减弱环流特征比较清晰完整。黄海北部出现一个气旋式涡旋, 10m层流速大小为5cm/s左右; 浙闽沿岸流从表层到50~60m深都是存在的, 流速基本不变; 台湾暖流在10m层流速较大, 且向陆架方向入侵明显, 但是越向下越不明显, 流速也有所减小。诊断计算60d后的后报计算结果显示, 松弛尺度为5d可以更好地消除资料的不匹配。因此最终在诊断计算60d后开展了松弛时间为5d的40d的强诊断计算, 强诊断模拟结果显示: 强诊断计算能更好的模拟东中国海环流结构, 相较于诊断计算, 表层流速有所减弱, 10m层流速有所加强, 各层流向强诊断计算和诊断计算基本一致。
关键词:  东中国海  三维环流  有限元模式  诊断计算
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFC1404200); “全球变化与海气相互作用”专项(GASI- IPOVAI-04); 国家重点基础研究发展规划资助项目(2014CB441501); 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项专题(XDA11020304); 国家自然科学基金(41506027)
Diagnostic analysis of three-dimensional circulation in the East China Sea during autumn
HUANG Hai-long,GUAN Wei-bing,ZHENG Yang-yang,YANG Cheng-hao,WANG Hui-qun,YANG Yun
Using hydrological data observed in the East China Sea during October 2000, the three-dimensional finite model FEOM (Finite Element Ocean Circulation Model) was run diagnostically for 100 days with temperature and salinity remaining unchanged. The simulation results reproduced the main characteristics of the circulation as follows: Due to the influence of wind, the circulation is dominated by the southwestward current at the sea surface. With weakening influence of wind, the circulation characteristics become clearer and more complete at depths below 10 m. There is a cyclonic eddy in the northern part of the Yellow Sea, and its speed is about 5 cm/s at a depth of 10 m. The Zhejiang-Fujian coastal current always exists from the surface to the 50-60 m level, its velocity being stable with depth. The Taiwan Warm Current intrudes into the continental shelf with a greater velocity at a depth of 10 m, weakening at deeper levels. The prognostic simulation following the 60-day diagnostic spin-up showed that the adjustment process to remove small-scale noise seems very fast with a timescale of 5 days. Therefore, the strong diagnostic simulation was performed for 40 days with a relaxing timescale of 5 days following the 60-day diagnostic spin-up. The strong diagnostic simulation is shown to reproduce the circulation structure of the East China Sea very well. Comparing the strong diagnostic simulation with the diagnostic one, the current becomes slightly weaker at the sea surface but slightly stronger at a depth of 10 m, while the flow direction almost keeps unchanged at all levels.
Key words:  East China Sea  three-dimensional circulation  finite element model  diagnostic calculation
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