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引用本文:姜 明,赵国强,李兆冉,盛彦清.烟台夹河口外柱状沉积物还原性无机硫、活性铁的变化特征及其相互关系[J].海洋科学,2018,42(8):90-97.
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姜 明1,2, 赵国强1,2, 李兆冉1, 盛彦清1
1.中国科学院 烟台海岸带研究所, 山东省海岸带环境工程技术研究中心;2.中国科学院大学
海洋沉积物中还原性无机硫和活性铁的地球化学过程与沉积物环境质量演变密切相关。本研究利用改进的冷扩散法和盐酸萃取法分别对烟台夹河口北部海域深约4 m的柱状沉积物中的酸性可挥发硫(AVS)、黄铁矿硫(CRS)、元素硫(ES)和活性铁(FeⅡ和FeⅢ)进行了测定, 并从地球化学机理方面探讨了硫与铁的分布特征及其耦合机制。结果表明, 烟台夹河口北部近海深层柱状沉积物中还原性无机硫以CRS为主, 其次是AVS和ES, 其中AVS含量垂向分布较均匀, 而CRS和ES含量在垂向上呈表层和底层高, 中间层低的趋势; 活性铁以Fe(Ⅱ)为主, 其随深度增加而增加, Fe(Ⅲ)随深度逐渐降低,大部分Fe(Ⅲ)被还原为溶解态的Fe(Ⅱ), 并且与硫酸盐还原产生的H2S相结合生成CRS和ES, 导致CRS和ES在柱状沉积物底部积累; 同时研究表明, 较低的硫化度和矿化度, 活性铁不是还原性无机硫累积的限制因子。
关键词:  还原性无机硫  活性铁  深层柱状沉积物  硫化度  矿化度
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41373100); 中国科学院关键技术人才项目
Distribution characteristics and relationship between reduced inorganic sulfur and reactive iron in core sediments outside the mouth of the Jiahe River in Yantai
JIANG Ming,ZHAO Guo-qiang,LI Zhao-ran,SHENG Yan-qing
The distribution characteristics and coupling mechanism of reduced inorganic sulfur (RIS) and reactive iron in marine core sediments are closely related to the evolution of environment quality. In this study, an improved cold diffusion method and hydrochloric acid extraction method were applied to the acid-volatile sulfur (AVS), pyrite sulfur (CRS), elemental sulfur (ES), and reactive iron [Fe (Ⅱ) and Fe (Ⅲ)] analyses. The distribution characteristics and coupling mechanism of S and Fe were investigated based on a core sediment 4 meters deep collected in the northern sea area of the mouth of Jiahe River, Yantai. The results showed that the RIS in sediments was dominated by CRS, followed by AVS and ES. The content of AVS presented a narrow range with depth, whereas the CRS and ES were higher at the top and bottom layers than the middle layer; reactive iron was dominated by Fe (Ⅱ), which increased with depth, while Fe (Ⅲ) gradually decreased with depth. Most of the Fe (Ⅲ) was reduced to the disssolved Fe(Ⅱ), which was combined with the soluble H2S of the sulfate-reducing bacteria to produce CRS and ES in the deep layer, resulting in their accumulation at the bottom of core sediments. Furthermore, this study showed that reactive iron was not a limiting factor for the accumulation of RIS with lower degree of pyritization and degree of sulfidity.
Key words:  Reduced inorganic sulfur  Reactive iron  Deep core sediments  Degree of pyritization  Degree of sulfidity
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