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王炼1, 刘佰琼1, 徐敏1, 顾云娟2, 钱林峰2
1.南京师范大学 海洋科学与工程学院, 江苏 南京 210023;2.江苏省海洋经济监测评估中心, 江苏 南京 210003
关键词:  绿色海洋经济  可持续发展  能值分析  江苏省
Study of the sustainable development of green marine economy of Jiangsu Province based on energy analysis
WANG Lian1, LIU Baiqiong1, XU Min1, GU Yunjuan2, QIAN Linfeng2
1.College of Marine Science and Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing Jiangsu, 210023, China;2.Marine Economic Monitoring and Evaluation Center in Jiangsu Province, Nanjing Jiangsu, 210003, China
With the rapid growth of Marine economy, the contradiction between the exploitation and utilization of Marine resources and the protection of ecological environment has been increasingly intensified. Therefore, it is of far-reaching significance to evaluate the sustainable development of green Marine economy to promote the coordinated development of Marine economy and ecological environment Taking Jiangsu province as the research area, based on the emergy value analysis theory and method, various elements in the marine economic system, such as renewable resources, non-renewable resources, monetary flow and waste flow, were converted into unified standard-solar energy value by energy value conversion rate. Using indicators such as sea area energy value - currency ratio, per capita sea area energy value consumption, sustainable development index, green ocean gross domestic product (green GOP)and so on, the sustainable development level of green marine economy in Jiangsu province from 2011 to 2015 was measured, aiming at promoting the application of research methods of sustainable development of marine economy, and providing scientific basis for comprehensive evaluation and sustainable development management of marine economic system in Jiangsu province. Research shows:(1) from 2011 to 2015, there has consistent growth of the green GOP in Jiangsu province, with the proportion of the traditional GOP rising from 74.8% to 77.8%, It shows that Jiangsu province has not neglected the protection of Marine resources and ecological environment during the rapid growth of Marine economy.(2) The green marine economy sustainable development in Jiangsu province is in a state of instability:the sustainable development index was 12.77 in 2011, and fluctuated between 6.87 and 9.70 from 2012-2015, indicating that the marine economic system of Jiangsu province has gradually transited from underdeveloped economy and insufficient exploitation and utilization of marine resources to a dynamic marine economy with good development efficiency and strong sustainability.
Key words:  green marine economy  sustainable development  energy analysis  Jiangsu Province
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