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代明允1,2, 任纪龙1,2, 费凡1,2, 魏平平1,2, 马贺1,2, 高东奎1,2, 宋昌斌3, 喻胜4, 刘鹰1,5,2
1.大连海洋大学 海洋科技与环境学院, 辽宁 大连 116023;2.辽宁省水产设施养殖与装备工程研究中心, 辽宁 大连 116023;3.中国科学院 半导体研究所, 北京 100083;4.深圳市超频三科技股份有限公司, 广东 深圳 518000;5.青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室, 山东 青岛 266200
作者利用循环水养殖实验系统,研究了红、绿、白、黄、蓝5种光色对欧洲舌齿鲈(Dicentrarchus labrax)幼鱼抗氧化能力和消化能力的影响。结果表明,红光组的欧洲舌齿鲈幼鱼超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力显著高于其他光色组(P<0.05),而绿、白、黄和蓝光色组的SOD活力没有显著性差异;红光组的还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量显著高于其他光色组(P<0.05),绿、白光组与黄、蓝光组的GSH含量之间有显著性差异(P<0.05);红光组过氧化氢酶(CAT)活力显著高于其他光色组(P<0.05),白光组的CAT活力显著低于其他光色组(P<0.05)。黄光组的胃蛋白酶活力显著高于红、绿、白光组(P<0.05),绿光组的胃蛋白酶活力显著低于其他光色组(P<0.05);红、绿、蓝光组的淀粉酶活力要显著高于白、黄光组(P<0.05),红、绿、蓝光组的淀粉酶活力没有显著性差异,黄、白光组的淀粉酶活力没有显著性差异;白光组纤维素酶活力显著高于其他光色组(P<0.05),绿光组的纤维素酶活力显著高于红、蓝光组(P<0.05),黄光组的纤维素酶活力和绿、红、蓝光组没有显著性差异。因此,欧洲舌齿鲈在红光下养殖,其体内的抗氧化能力强,能有效应对氧化应激,而在黄光或红光下养殖其消化能力更强。
关键词:  欧洲舌齿鲈(Dicentrarchus labrax)幼鱼  LED光色  抗氧化能力  消化能力
Effects of LED light color on antioxidant capacity and digestibility of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles
DAI Ming-yun1,2, REN Ji-long1,2, FEI Fan1,2, WEI Ping-ping1,2, MA He1,2, GAO Dong-kui1,2, SONG Chang-bin3, YU Sheng4, LIU Ying1,5,2
1.Dalian Ocean University, College of Ocean Technique and Environment, Dalian 116023, China;2.Liaoning Aquacultural Engineering Research and Development Center, Dalian 116023, China;3.China Academy of Sciences, Institute of Semiconductors, Beijing 100083, China;4.Shenzhen Fluence Technology PLC, Shenzhen 518000, China;5.Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology(Qingdao), Qingdao 266200, China
European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is both economically valuable and suitable for a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). The effects of different light conditions (red, green, white, yellow, and blue light) on antioxidant capacity and digestive ability in a RAS were investigated in this experiment. As a result, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in the red light group was significantly higher than that in the other light groups (P<0.05), but no difference in SOD activity was observed among the green, white, yellow, and blue light groups. The glutathione (GSH) content in the red light group was significantly higher than that in the other groups (P<0.05). In addition, the GSH content in the green and white light groups was significantly higher than that in the yellow and blue light groups (P<0.05). Catalase (CAT) activity in the red light group was significantly higher than that in other light color groups (P<0.05), and the CAT activity in the white light group was significantly lower than that in other light groups (P<0.05). Pepsin activity in the yellow light group was significantly higher than that in the red, green, and white light groups (P<0.05). Moreover, pepsin activity in the green light group was significantly lower than that in the other light color groups (P<0.05). Amylase activity in the red, green, and blue light groups was significantly higher than that in the white and yellow light groups (P<0.05), whereas no difference in amylase activity was observed among the red, green, and blue light groups. Furthermore, no difference in amylase activity was observed between the yellow and white light groups. Cellulase activity in the white light group was significantly higher than that of the other light color groups (P<0.05), and cellulase activity in the green light group was significantly higher than that in the red and blue light groups (P<0.05). No significant difference in cellulase activity was observed among the yellow, red, and blue light groups. Therefore, European sea bass has a strong antioxidant capacity and can effectively cope with oxidative stress when cultured in red light. Moreover, it has stronger digestive ability when cultured in red or yellow light.
Key words:  European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles  LED light color  antioxidant capacity  digestive capacity
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