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白娟, 张苗, 安建梅
山西师范大学生命科学学院, 山西 临汾 041000
基于对虾鳃虱亚科(Orbioninae)的形态学特征,作者比较了属间存在的差异,对该亚科的分类学研究进展进行了归纳。总结世界范围内对虾鳃虱亚科的地理分布特征,解析该亚科动物地理区系特征。迄今,对虾鳃虱亚科包括8属39种,分别为:异对虾鳃虱属(Anisorbione Bourdon,1981,1种);偏对虾鳃虱属(Asymmetrorbione Boyko,2003,2种);表对虾鳃虱属(Epipenaeon Nobili,1906,8种);小对虾鳃虱属(Minicopenaeon Bourdon,1981,4种);圆对虾鳃虱属(Orbione Bonnier,1900,8种);仿偏对虾鳃虱属(Parasymmetrorbione An,Boyko&Li,2013,1种);拟对虾鳃虱属(Parapenaeon Richardson,1904,13种);仿拟对虾鳃虱属(Parapenaeonella Shiino,1949,2种)。在中国各大海域共发现对虾鳃虱亚科物种6属18种。对虾鳃虱亚科形态特征:头前板和底节板发达,体形较大。从形态特征推测的系统发育关系,作者认为对虾鳃虱亚科是寄生亚目寄生于鳃部中比较进化的类群、其地理分布范围受寄主对虾总科分布的限制、物种分布相对集中、主要分布范围于印度-西太平洋海域。根据该亚科主要属种的地理分布信息,作者推测该类群的演化是从环热带古地中海闭合开始,直到始新世。
关键词:  对虾鳃虱亚科(Orbioninae)  分类  形态特征  系统演化  动物地理
Review of classification and zoogeography of subfamily Orbioninae (Crustacea: Isopoda)
BAI Juan, ZHANG Miao, AN Jian-mei
School of Life Science, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen 041000, China
This paper presents a comparison of differences among the genera of the subfamily Orbioninae based on the morphological characters and also reviews the taxonomic progress of this subfamily. Furthermore, geographical distribution of Orbioninae across the world is summarized to analyze the zoogeographic fauna. Till date, this subfamily is known to include 8 genera and 39 species, and data regarding the following species were recorded in detail:Anisorbione Bourdon, 1981 (1 species); Asymmetrorbione Boyko, 2003 (2 species); Epipenaeon Nobili, 1906 (8 species); Minicopenaeon Bourdon, 1981 (4 species); Orbione Bonnier, 1900 (8 species); Parasymmetrorbione An, Boyko & Li, 2013 (1 species); Parapenaeon Richardson, 1904 (13 species); and Parapenaeonella Shiino, 1949 (2 species). In total, 18 species of 6 genera are from Chinese waters. Morphological characters of the subfamily Orbioninae include well-developed frontal lamina and coxal plates with a large body. This subfamily is considered to be a relatively derived group among branchial bopyrids on the basis of its morphological characters. Its geographical distribution is restricted by its host, the Penaeoidea. Generally, species are relatively concentrated in the Indo-West Pacific. Based on the geographic distribution information of Orbioninae, this subfamily is presumed to have evolved since the closing of the circumtropical Tethys Sea, thus no later than the Eocene.
Key words:  Orbioninae  classification  morphological characters  phylogeny  zoogeography
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