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1.广西海洋研究所, 广西 北海 536000;2.青岛国家海洋科学研究中心, 山东 青岛 266071;3.天津渤海水产研究所, 天津 300457
本研究以经2代家系选育的速生长系施氏獭蛤(Lutraria sieboldii)为亲本,通过巢式平衡设计构建了30个全同胞家系,以未经选育个体的同期子代作为对照,分析各家系及对照组不同阶段生长和存活差异。实验结果显示,3月、9月和15月龄的施氏獭蛤全同胞家系生长性状均高于对照组(P<0.05),3月龄的家系壳长、壳高和体质量分别相对提高1.33%~9.33%、0.83%~15.83%和0.74%~25.19%,9月龄的家系壳长、壳高和体质量分别相对提高1.83%~10.46%、3.95%~12.45%和6.01%~20.60%,15月龄的家系壳长、壳高和体质量分别相对提高2.45%~25.62%、2.62%~15.01%和7.00%~28.73%,15月龄累积壳长、壳高和体质量生长量前3家系均值分别比家系平均提高9.38%、5.07%、9.34%;幼体期(1 d~30 d)、培育期(30 d~90 d)和养成期(90 d~450 d)各家系的存活率均值低于对照组5.61%、2.45%、2.08%,累积存活率均值低于对照组9.08%,但存活率排名前三的家系均值要高于对照组22.52%;根据全同胞家系生长和存活数据比较,家系A5、A12、A15于不同时期均表现出稳定优异的生长性状,家系A8、A15、A14于不同阶段均具有稳定的存活性状。以上结果表明,经选育施氏獭蛤家系的生长性状具有明显优势,其中,兼具有高生长和存活性状的家系A15可优先作为良种培育材料。
关键词:  施氏獭蛤(Lutraria sieboldii)  选育  全同胞家系  生长  存活
Construction and comparison of growth and survival among full-sib families of Lutraria sieboldii
PENG Hui-jing1, ZHANG Shou-du2, ZHENG De-bin3,4, ZOU Jie1
1.Guangxi Institute of Oceanology, Beihai 536000, China;2.National Oceanographic Center, Qingdao, 266071, China;3.Tianjin Bohai Sea Fisheries Research Institute;4.Tianjin, 300457, China
In this study, 30 full-sib families of Lutraria sieboldii were successfully constructed using the method of balanced nested design, in which parents were produced from a fast growth line by family selection of two generations. The control families were produced from unselected individuals. The phenotypic growth traits and the average survival rates were measured and compared among these families at 3-, 9-, and 15-month stages. Results showed that the average growth performances and survival rates of these full-sib families were significantly higher than those of control families during the entire experimental stages (P < 0.05). At the 3-month stage, the average shell length, shell height, and total weight of full-sib families were higher than those of the control families by 1.33%-9.33%, 0.83%-15.83%, and 0.74%-25.19%, respectively. At the 9-month stage, the average shell length, shell height, and total weight of full-sib families were higher than those of the control families by 1.83%-10.46%, 3.95%-12.45%, and 6.01%-20.60%, respectively. At the 15-month stage, these parameters in full-sib families were higher than those of the control families by 2.45%-25.62%, 2.62%-15.01%, and 7.00%-28.73%, respectively. Furthermore, the average shell length, shell height, and total weight of the top three full-sib families were higher than those of all full-sib families by 9.38%, 5.07%, and 9.34%, respectively. The average survival rates of full-sib families during the larval stage (1-30 d), intermediate rearing stage (30-90 d), and rearing stage (90-450 d) were lower than those of the control families by 5.61%, 2.45%, and 2.08%, respectively. During the whole life stage, the average survival rate of full-sib families was lower than that of the control families by 9.08%. Comparison of the performance of full-sib families during all experimental stages showed that families A5, A12, and A15 exhibited the best and stable performance in growth and families A8, A15, and A14 exhibited the best and stable performance in survival. Our results suggest that the phenotypic performance of L. sieboldii with family selection is significantly superior to that of the control. The family A15 can be used as a valuable genetic material in subsequent breeding and related research programs for achieving better performance in both growth and survival.
Key words:  Lutraria sieboldii  selective breeding  full-sib families  growth  survival
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