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王泽斌1, 张树林1,2, 张达娟1,2, 张迎1, 许莹芳1
1.天津农学院水产学院, 天津 300384;2.天津市水产生态及养殖重点实验室, 天津 300384
关键词:  天津近海  鱼类  群落结构  功能群
Preliminary study on fish community structure and functional group composition in Tianjin coastal waters
WANG Ze-bin1, ZHANG Shu-lin1,2, ZHANG Da-juan1,2, ZHANG-Ying1, XU Ying-fang1
1.Department of Fishery Science, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384, China;2.Tianjin Key Laboratory of Aqua-Ecology and Aquaculture, Tianjin 300384, China
Fish community structure and functional group composition are important parameters for understanding the structure and function of water ecosystems.This study investigated the fish community structure and functional group composition in Tianjin coastal waters using bottom trawl sampling data collected in April and June-November 2018.A total of 23 species of fish were captured in the survey that belonged to 6 orders, 14 families, and 20 genera, which were primarily classifiedaccording to warmtemperature bottom fish and pelagic fish. The dominant species primarily included small fishes such as Chaetueichthysstigmatias, Chaetueichthyshexanema, and Cyno­glossusjoyneri; Chaetueichthysstigmatiaswas dominant each month. Cluster analysis indicated that the fish community could begrouped into threetypes:April as a group, June to September as a group, and October to November as a group. Cluster analysis based on the bait composition of each fish speciesrevealed thatfishes in Tianjin coastal waterswere composed of zooplanktivores, generalist predators, omnivores, shrimp/fish predators, piscivores, and benthivores, among which omnivores, shrimp/fish predators, and generalist predators comprised theprimary functional group.
Key words:  Tianjin coastal waters  fish composition  community structure  functional group
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