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仇颖, 阳德华, 李爽
浙江大学海洋学院物理海洋研究所, 浙江 舟山 316000
关键词:  Langmuir环流  参数化  KPP  大涡模拟
Progress in parameterization of Langmuir circulation in Rey-nolds Average Navier-Stokes(RANS) model
QIU Ying, YANG De-hua, LI Shuang
Institute of Physical Oceanography, Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Zhoushan 316000
It has been widely recognized that Langmuir circulation is one of the key factor in the formation and deepening of the mixed layer on the upper ocean. It is of great significance for the ocean mixed layer. In recent years, many researchers have used the large eddy simulation (LES) to study the Langmuir circulation mechanisms in order to find the proper parameterization of LC effect in the Reynolds average model. The Langmuir turbulence was considered into the ocean circulation or ocean coupling model, and a series of parameterization schemes were proposed.In this paper, the research advances in the research progress of Langmuir circulation parameterization in Reynolds average model, which can be divided into the several schemes:one method is parameterized by an enhancement factor applied to the turbulent velocity scale, one is to add the Stokes drift shear effect term in the Mellor-Yamada 2.5 turbulence closed model.In addition, the Langmuir effect is added by modifying the mixing length scale in the model.The existing parameterization schemes have improved the simulation of mixed layer depth and SST to some extent, affirmed the role of LC in deepening mixing, but there are still some deficiency that need to be further improved in future research.
Key words:  Langmuir circulation  parameterization  KPP  large eddy simulation
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