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张靖凡1, 蔡恒江1,2, 赵玥茹1, 陈文翰1, 胡思琪1, 刘远1,2, 刘长发1,2
1.大连海洋大学 海洋科技与环境学院, 辽宁 大连 116023;2.辽宁省高校近岸海洋环境科学与技术重点实验室, 辽宁 大连 116023
为研究岩相潮间带大型海藻有机碳含量及δ13C值的季节变化特征,分别于2016年11月(秋)和2017年2月(冬)、5月(春)、8月(夏)对獐子岛岩相潮间带(39°01'E,122°43'N)的大型海藻进行调查,并对其有机碳含量和δ13C值进行分析。结果表明:共鉴定出大型海藻3门49种,其中红藻门24种,占总数的48.98%;褐藻门17种,占总数的34.69%;绿藻门8种,占总数的16.33%。大型海藻种类数为春季(35种) > 冬季(24种)=夏季(24种) > 秋季(23种)。不同种类海藻体内的有机碳含量为15.54%~35.03%,δ13C值在-33.42‰~-7.43‰之间变动。不同季节海藻体内有机碳含量为冬季 > 春季 > 夏季 > 秋季,δ13C值为夏季>春季>冬季>秋季。
关键词:  大型海藻  种类  季节变化  有机碳  δ13C值
Seasonal variation in the total organic carbon contents and the δ13C values of macroalgae in the rocky intertidal zone of the Zhangzi island
ZHANG Jing-fan1, CAI Heng-jiang1,2, ZHAO Yue-ru1, CHENG Wen-han1, HU Si-qi1, LIU Yuan1,2, LIU Chang-fa1,2
1.College of Marine Technology and Environment, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China;2.Key Laboratory of Nearshore Marine Environmental Research, Dalian 116023, China
To study the seasonal variation in the total organic carbon contents and δ13C values of macroalgae in the rocky intertidal zone of Zhangzi island (39°01'E, 122°43'N). The macroalgae was investigated in November (Autumn) 2016, February (Winter), May (Spring), and August (Summer) 2017. At the same time, the total organic carbon contents and δ13C values in the collected macroalgae were analyzed. A total of 49 species from 3 phyla of macroalgae were collected. Of these, 24 species (48.98%) were Rhodophyta, 17 species (34.69%) were Phaeophyta, and 8 species (16.33%) were Chlorophyta. The number of macroalgae species were 35 in spring, 24 in winter, 24 in summer, and 23 in autumn. The total organic carbon content of the different species of macroalgae was 15.54%- -35.03%, and the δ13C value was -33.42%- -7.43%. The total organic carbon contents of macroalgae in different seasons were winter > spring > summer > autumn, and the δ13C values were summer > spring > winter > autumn.
Key words:  macroalgae  species  seasonal variation  total organic carbon  δ13C value
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