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引用本文:田传远,夏珮伦,张嘉荣,于瑞海,郑小东,顾忠旗,黄继.疣荔枝螺(Thais clavigera Kuster)人工繁育技术研究[J].海洋科学,2020,44(6):122-130.
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疣荔枝螺(Thais clavigera Kuster)人工繁育技术研究
田传远1, 夏珮伦1, 张嘉荣1, 于瑞海1, 郑小东1, 顾忠旗2, 黄继2
1.中国海洋大学 海水养殖教育部重点实验室, 山东 青岛 266003;2.嵊泗县海洋科技研究所, 浙江 舟山 202450
本实验开展了疣荔枝螺(Thais clavigera Kuster)室内全人工繁育技术研究;具体包括亲螺人工促熟蓄养、卵囊采集、孵化、幼虫培育、变态和采苗等技术研究,同时,还开展了后期面盘幼虫对不同附着基的喜好选择性实验,以及不同饵料和光照对幼虫附着的影响研究。研究表明:雌螺分批产卵,单个雌螺平均每次产出受精卵为61 750粒;在水温27~29℃时,面盘幼虫经过20 d左右的生长发育,壳长达到约600 μm,此时开始附着变态,由浮游生活转变为底栖生活;附着后10 d左右变态为稚螺。后期面盘幼虫对附着基的选择性实验表明,固着牡蛎苗的栉孔扇贝壳和附有底栖硅藻的波纹板,是稚螺理想的附着基。不同饵料和光照对幼虫附着影响实验结果表明:在附着变态期间,自然光照有利于幼虫附着变态;同时,连续投喂糠虾肉糜可显著提高幼虫变态率和稚螺成活率。本研究结果为今后疣荔枝螺产业化繁育提供了重要的理论和技术支持。
关键词:  疣荔枝螺  人工繁育  生长  附着基  附着变态
Study on artificial breeding technique of Thais clavigera Kuster
TIAN Chuan-yuan1, XIA Pei-lun1, ZHANG Jia-rong1, YU Rui-hai1, ZHENG Xiao-dong1, GU Zhong-qi2, HUANG Ji2
1.Key Laboratory of Mariculture(Ocean University of China), Ministry of Education, Qingdao 266003, China;2.Zhejiang Shengsi Institute of Marine Science and Technology, Zhoushan 202450, China
This research studied the indoor artificial seedling technology of Thais clavigera Kuster, including artificial ripening, oocyst collection, hatching, larval cultivation, metamorphosis, and seedling collection. Experiments were conducted on the preference and selectivity of veliger larvae to different attachment bases in late stages, and the effects of different feeds and lights on larval attachment. The results showed that female snails lay eggs in batches, and a single female snail produced 61750 fertilized eggs on average each time. At a water temperature of 27 to 29℃, after about 20-day growth and development the shells of the veliger larvae reached about 600 μm in length. At this time, attachment metamorphosis occurred and snails changed from planktonic life to benthic life. Metamorphosis into juveniles occurred about 10 days after attachment. Experiments showed that Chlamys Farreri shells with oyster seedlings and corrugated plate with benthic diatoms were ideal attachment substrates for juvenile snails. Results of an experiment on the effects of different feeds and light intensities on the larval attachment showed that during the attachment metamorphism, natural light was conducive to the larval attachment metamorphosis; and continuous feeding of mycelium minced meat can significantly increase the larval metamorphosis rate and juvenile snail survival rate. The results of this study provide important theoretical and technical support for the industrial breeding of Thais clavigera Kuster.
Key words:  Thais clavigera Kuster  artificial breeding  growth  attachment material  metamorphosis
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