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引用本文:李嘉,郑向阳,张华,姜德娟,王玉琳,蔡永兵.基于Delft 3D模型的感潮河口示踪模拟[J].海洋科学,2020,44(10):23-32.
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基于Delft 3D模型的感潮河口示踪模拟
李嘉1,2, 郑向阳2,3, 张华2,3, 姜德娟2,3, 王玉琳1, 蔡永兵4
1.扬州大学环境科学与工程学院, 江苏 扬州 225100;2.山东省海岸带环境过程重点实验室, 山东 烟台 264003;3.中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所, 山东 烟台 264003;4.安徽科技学院 资源与环境学院, 安徽 凤阳 233100
为研究感潮河口的水力特征及溶质扩散规律,通过布放仪器监测水文参数,分析研究区的水力特征;采用荧光染色剂罗丹明B作为示踪剂开展现场示踪实验,研究示踪剂的扩散规律;基于Delft 3D模型的水动力模块与示踪模块相耦合,对研究区的动力场和示踪结果进行模拟,获取了小清河口的水平湍流扩散系数。结果表明:调查期间(非汛期)小清河口的水力条件主要受潮汐控制,潮汐对河口下游的作用更明显。由于河流径流量较小,在潮汐作用下,示踪剂从小清河口向海传输的速度较慢,导致示踪剂在河口长时间滞留。相关性分析(R2)和均方根误差(RMSE)结果表明示踪剂迁移模拟结果的可靠性高。基于本研究得到小清河口的水平湍流扩散系数(Dξη)为6t0.12 m2/s。本研究可为小清河口以及同类河口中水平湍流扩散系数的估值提供参考,对于评价污染物在同类河口中的传输行为具有指导意义。
关键词:  示踪实验  Delft 3D  水平扩散系数  感潮河口  小清河
Simulation of tracer experiment in the tidal estuary based on the Delft 3D model
LI Jia1,2, ZHENG Xiang-yang2,3, ZHANG Hua2,3, JIANG De-juan2,3, WANG Yu-lin1, CAI Yong-bing4
1.School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225100, China;2.Shandong Key Laboratory of Coastal Environmental Processes, Yantai 264003, China;3.Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai 264003, China;4.College of Resource and Environment, Anhui Science and Technology University, Anhui 233100, China
To reveal the hydraulic characteristics and the diffusion process of solutes from the tidal estuary, an experiment was carried out at the Xiaoqing River estuary using a field tracker using Rhodamine B and hydrological survey. A coupled model based on Delft3D-FLOW and Delft3D-PART was used to simulate the flow field of the estuary and the transport process of the tracer experiment. The horizontal turbulent diffusion coefficient (Dξ,η) was estimated based on the Delft-3D simulation. According to the results, it can be concluded that the hydraulic conditions of the Xiaoqing River estuary, especially the lower ranges of the tidal estuary, during the experimental period were determined by the tides. The velocity of longitudinal transport of the tracer in the Xiaoqing River estuary was slow due to the strong flow of the tides and the weak current of the river. Likewise, the tracer's residence time would be long in the research area. The Delft3D-FLOW module provided a reliable hydrodynamic file for the simulation area. Correlation analysis (R2) and root mean square error (RMSE) showed an excellent fit of the model. The horizontal turbulent diffusion coefficient (Dξ,η) was 6t0.12 m2/s. This research could provide data and guidelines for subsequent water quality simulation work in the Xiaoqing River estuary.
Key words:  racer experiment  Delft 3D  horizontal turbulent diffusion coefficient  tidal estuary  the Xiaoqing River
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