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孙静, 黄勇
聊城大学 生命科学学院, 山东 聊城 252000
在对东海的自由生活海洋线虫进行分类和多样性研究中,发现2个我国新纪录种并进行了描述。深海螺旋球咽线虫Spirobolbolaimus bathyalis Soetaert&Vincx,1988的主要鉴别特征为:体表具显著的环纹,头感觉器呈乳突状,化感器螺旋形,口腔中部具有一个背齿以及一对亚腹齿,咽前后各有一个咽球;具有两条弧形的交接刺,引带呈板状,无肛前辅器,具两个反向排列的直伸精巢。伸长丝瘤线虫Filoncholaimus prolatus Hopper,1967的主要鉴别特征为:体表光滑,内唇感觉器乳突状,十根头刚毛,口腔具一背齿及两个等大的亚腹齿,尾锥状,渐变为长丝状,锥状部分具尾刚毛;交接刺呈弧形,引带简单,板状,无引带突,具两个乳突状的肛前辅器和两个反向排列的直伸精巢。
关键词:  深海螺旋球咽线虫(Spirobolbolaimus bathyalis)  伸长丝瘤线虫(Filoncholaimus prolatus)  线虫分类  新纪录种
Two new record species of free-living marine nematodes from the East China Sea
SUN Jing, HUANG Yong
College of Life Sciences, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252000, China
Two new records of free-living marine nematode species from marine sediments in the East China Sea are described and documented. Spirobolbolaimus bathyalis Soetaert & Vincx, 1988 is characterized by annulated cuticle and papillae cephalic setae. The amphideal fovea is distinctly sclerotized, multispiral, and ventrally wound, four turns. The buccal cavity has one dorsal tooth; a pair of ventrosublateral teeth is situated posterior to the dorsal tooth. The pharynx has an anterior bulbus surrounding the buccal cavity and a terminal oval bulbus. The male is diorchic; the testes are outstretched and opposite; the anterior testis left of the intestine, the posterior one right of the intestine and less developed. Two equal spicules are arcuate and strongly sclerotized; capitulum proximally, and a median, weakly sclerotized lamella is present. The gubernaculum is plate-like. No precloacal supplements are observed. The female is didelphic, with the ovaries outstretched. The vulva is a transverse slit, in the posterior half of the body. Filoncholaimus prolatus Hopper, 1967 is characterized by smooth cuticle without striations or punctations. Six small labial papillae and ten cephalic setae. The amphid is located at the level of the anterior end of the subventral teeth. The buccal cavity is armed with three teeth. The subventral teeth are large and of equal size, occupying 70% of the stomal length; the dorsal tooth is smaller, located at 30% of the stoma. The pharynx is cylindroid. The tail is initially conoid then filiform, and caudal setae are present. The reproductive system has two opposed, outstretched testes. The spicules are arcuate. The gubernaculum has prominent lateral pieces. The preanal sense organs are paired, consisting of two pairs of setae located immediately precloacal, followed closely by a pair of mammalate papillae.
Key words:  Spirobolbolaimus bathyalis Soetaert & Vincx, 1988  Filoncholaimus prolatus Hopper, 1967  nematode taxonomy  new records
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