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引用本文:王丹,RASHID Harunur.长链烯酮在西北大西洋重建全新世气候变化的研究进展[J].海洋科学,2022,46(1):181-191.
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王丹, RASHID Harunur
上海海洋大学海洋科学学院, 上海 201306
大量研究表明,长链烯酮不饱和度(U37K'指数)可用于重建过去的海面温度(sea surface temperature,SST),然而是否存在其他因素导致实际温度与重建的SST之间存在差异,以及重建的温度是代表年均SST还是季节性温度都仍有争议。除了反映温度,在受季节性海冰影响或SST较低的区域,长链烯酮C37:4在C37中的占比(% C37:4)还能为盐度变化提供重要信息,特别是在拉布拉多和格陵兰岛陆地边缘海域。在此总结了西北大西洋长链烯酮重建古海洋气候的研究进展,指出了在使用U37K'重建SST时,需要考虑营养盐、横向平流、成岩作用以及烯酮母源的生长季节性等因素,认为% C37:4有望用作重建过去海冰融水或海冰覆盖情况的替代指标,但季节性因素对烯酮重建古温的影响程度的评估还需要进一步研究。
关键词:  长链烯酮  海洋表层温度  冰融水  烯酮%C37:4  西北大西洋
Progress in using the long-chain alkenones to reconstruct the Holocene climate changes in northwest Atlantic Ocean
WANG Dan, RASHID Harunur
College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China
Numerous studies have demonstrated the application of long-chain alkenone unsaturation ratios (U37K') to reconstruct past sea-surface temperatures (SSTs). However, whether there are factors resulting in divergence between the actual and reconstructed sea-surface temperatures and whether the reconstructed temperature or the seasonal temperature represents the annual average SST have remained controversial. In regions influenced by seasonal sea-ice or low SSTs, the proportion of long-chain alkenone C37:4 in C37 (i.e.,%C37:4) provides significant information on salinity, particularly on the Labrador and Greenland continental margin. This study reviews the progress of using U37K' in the northwest Atlantic Ocean and evaluates factors, including nutrient, lateral advection, early diagenesis, and seasonality of the production of alkenone-producing algae, to reconstruct SSTs. Our results suggest that C37:4 can reconstruct past sea-ice released meltwater and sea-ice cover; however, quantifying the contribution of the U37K' seasonality needs further study.
Key words:  long-chain alkenones  sea surface temperature  meltwater  alkenone %C37:4  northwest Atlantic Ocean
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