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引用本文:唐佳,蔡文启,闫智聪,赵建民,周智.海水酸化和Cu2+暴露对虫黄藻Cladocopium goreaui营养同化和能量分配的影响[J].海洋科学,2022,46(4):98-105.
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海水酸化和Cu2+暴露对虫黄藻Cladocopium goreaui营养同化和能量分配的影响
唐佳1,2, 蔡文启3, 闫智聪3, 赵建民1, 周智3
1.中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所牟平海岸带环境综合试验站, 山东 烟台 264003;2.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049;3.海南大学海洋学院, 海南 海口 570228
近年来,全球气候变化和人类活动导致的环境胁迫加剧了珊瑚礁白化事件的发生;其中,海水酸化和Cu2+污染已成为部分礁区面临的主要胁迫因子。本研究设置2个pH水平(pH 8.1和pH 7.6)和2个Cu2+水平(4.25μg·L-1和16.47 μg·L-1)的暴露实验,以探讨海水酸化和Cu2+污染短期暴露对虫黄藻Cladocopium goreaui营养同化、能量消耗和能量分配的影响。结果发现,短期海水酸化暴露能够增加虫黄藻的营养同化(糖类和蛋白质含量增加),同时显著减少了虫黄藻的能量消耗,进而增加了虫黄藻细胞内的能量分配比例;然而,单独Cu2+暴露显著增加了虫黄藻的能量消耗,进而降低了虫黄藻细胞内的能量分配比例;此外,与单独Cu2+暴露相比,海水酸化和Cu2+复合暴露促进了虫黄藻的营养同化和能量分配。综上,本研究表明,礁区海水酸化和Cu2+污染能够对虫黄藻的营养代谢和能量分配带来负面影响,长期持续暴露可能会对其生长和繁殖构成潜在威胁。
关键词:  虫黄藻  海水酸化  铜污染  营养同化  能量分配
Effects of seawater acidification and Cu2+ exposure on nutrient assimilation and energy allocation of Cladocopium goreaui
TANG Jia1,2, CAI Wen-qi3, YAN Zhi-cong3, ZHAO Jian-min1, ZHOU Zhi3
1.Muping Coastal Environmental Research Station, Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai 264117, China;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;3.College of Marine Sciences, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China
Recently,environmental stress due to global climate changes and human activities has exacerbated the occurrence of coral reef bleaching events.Ocean acidification and copper pollution have become the main stressors in reef areas.In this study,exposure experiments were performed at two pH levels (8.1 and 7.6) and two Cu2+levels (4.25 and 16.47 μg/L) to explore the effects of seawater acidification and Cu2+ exposure on nutrient assimilation,energy consumption,and allocation of Cladocopium goreaui.Short-term seawater acidification exposure was found to increase the nutrient assimilation (carbohydrate and protein content) and decrease the energy consumption of C.goreaui,thereby increasing its energy allocation.Meanwhile,Cu2+ exposure significantly increased the energy consumption of C.goreaui,thereby reducing its energy allocation.Further,compared with the Cu2+ exposure alone,the combination of seawater acidification and Cu2+ exposure promoted the nutrient assimilation (increased carbohydrate and protein content) and energy allocation of C.goreaui.In general,these results show that seawater acidification and Cu2+ pollution in reef areas could negatively affect the nutritional metabolism and energy allocation of C.goreaui,possibly affecting its growth and reproduction in the future.
Key words:  zooxanthellae  seawater acidification  copper pollution  nutrient assimilation  energy allocation
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