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叶嘉晖, 邱崇玉, 曾文轩, 史云峰, 赵牧秋, 韩秋影
海南热带海洋学院崖州湾创新研究院, 热带海洋生物资源利用与保护教育部重点实验室, 海南省近岸海洋生态环境过程与碳汇重点实验室, 海南 三亚 572022
海草床具有重要的生态系统服务功能,可以为海洋生物提供栖息地和食物来源,同时还具有重要的碳储存功能,海草床“蓝碳”功能日益受到学术界的重视,据研究全球每年海草床的碳埋藏量高达(2.7~4.4)×107 MgC。近年来,由于人类活动的影响,世界范围内海草床衰退严重,导致海草床沉积物有机碳储量降低。本文综述了全球海草床沉积物有机碳的来源、组分、储量以及指示作用;从物理、化学和生物三方面讨论了影响海草床碳储量的环境因素。最后提出了未来主要研究方向,主要包括加强海草床碳通量普查,分析全球气候变化背景下海草床沉积物有机碳的变化机制,明确海草床碳储量流失速率,研究海岸带工程对海草床沉积物有机碳的影响。评估海草床沉积物有机碳储量及变化机制可以为全球海洋蓝碳研究提供科学依据。
关键词:  海草床  沉积物有机碳  来源  储量  环境因素
Review of organic carbon in seagrass bed sediment
YE Jia-hui, QIU Chong-yu, ZENG Wen-xuan, SHI Yun-feng, ZHAO Mu-qiu, HAN Qiu-ying
Yazhou Bay Innovation Institute, Key Laboratory of Utilization and Conservation for Tropical Marine Bioresources of Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory for Coastal Marine Eco-environment Process and Carbon Sink of Hainan Province, Hainan Tropical Ocean University, Sanya 572022, China
Seagrass beds provide important ecosystem services, such as supporting biodiversity and providing carbon storage. Several scientists have studied the carbon storage mechanisms of seagrass beds. The annual carbon sequestration of seagrass beds is (2.7~4.4)×107 MgC. Recently, seagrass beds have declined worldwide due to human activities, resulting in organic carbon storage reduction in seagrass sediment. This paper reviewed the research advancements of sediment organic carbon in seagrass beds, including the sources, components, storage, and environmental indicators. The environmental variations affecting carbon storage in seagrass beds were discussed from the three aspects of physics, chemistry, and biology. Finally, the primary research directions for the future study were proposed, including strengthening the carbon flux survey of seagrass beds, exploring the mechanism of sediment organic carbon change due to global climate change, defining the rate of carbon storage loss in seagrass beds, and studying the impact of coastal zone engineering on sediment organic carbon. Evaluating carbon storage mechanisms will provide the scientific basis for the blue carbon study in the oceans globally.
Key words:  seagrass beds  sediment organic carbon  source  storage  environmental effects
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