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引用本文:赵雯,车宗豪,刘括,马倩颖,刘泽,霍忠明,闫喜武.日本海神蛤(Panopea japonica)性腺发育生物学零度及有效积温研究[J].海洋科学,2022,46(10):78-84.
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日本海神蛤(Panopea japonica)性腺发育生物学零度及有效积温研究
赵雯1,2, 车宗豪1,2, 刘括1,2, 马倩颖1,2, 刘泽1,2, 霍忠明1,2, 闫喜武1,2
1.大连海洋大学水产与生命学院, 辽宁 大连 116023;2.辽宁省贝类良种繁育工程技术研究中心, 辽宁 大连 116023
关键词:  日本海神蛤  性腺发育  人工促熟  生物学零度  有效积温
Biological zero degree and effective accumulated temperature of the geoduck clam Panopea japonica
ZHAO Wen1,2, CHE Zong-hao1,2, LIU Kuo1,2, MA Qian-ying1,2, LIU Ze1,2, HUO Zhong-ming1,2, YAN Xi-wu1,2
1.College of Fisheries and Life Science, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China;2.Engineering Research Center of Shellfish Culture and Breeding in Liaoning Province, Dalian 116023, China
The geoduck clam (Panopea japonica) is a kind of precious shellfish that holds high commercial potential. In recent years, China has rapidly developed to be the largest market for geoduck clams. To explore the reproductive character of P. Japonica, the biological zero degree and effective accumulated temperature of P. japonica (collected from the Sea of Japan) were studied by the methods of gonad maturity promotion with indoor artificial elevated temperature, spawning observation, and mathematical statistics in Zhuanghe, Dalian, China, from January to March 2019. The results demonstrated that the biological zero degree of gonadal reproduction of P. japonica was -0.87 ℃, -1.14 ℃, -0.90 ℃, and the effective accumulated temperature was 356.21 ℃·d, 366.69 ℃·d, 357.31 ℃·d, respectively, when calculated using the two-point method, linear regression method, and effective accumulated temperature method. To summarize, the mean values of biological zero degree and effective accumulated temperature were (-0.97±0.14) ℃ and (360.07±5.76) ℃·d. The results illustrated that the biological zero degree of gonadal development was lower in geoduck clams than any other shellfish due to the living ability and reproduction characteristics of geoduck clams in cold water. The study found that spawning periods can be accelerated in the process of artificial breeding by adjusting the seawater temperature according to the character of the biological zero degree and effective accumulated temperature of gonadal development; meanwhile, the study also provided the scientific basis for the seeds forecast of geoduck clams in natural seawater environments. The findings make critical contributions to the aquaculture industry and resource restoration in the North Yellow Sea of China.
Key words:  Panopea japonica  gonadal development  artificial promoting maturity  biological zero degree  effective accumulated temperature
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