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杨熙1,2,3, 余威1,2,3, 何静1,2,3, 黄盛1,2,3
1.国家海洋局南海环境监测中心, 广东 广州 510300;2.自然资源部海洋环境探测技术与应用重点实验室, 广东 广州 510300;3.海南南沙珊瑚礁生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站, 广东 广州 510300
本研究对海南黎安港海草床碳储量进行了评估,并对我国南海区近岸现存海草床总碳储量进行了估算。结果显示,黎安港海草床中海草植物碳储量、100cm深度沉积物碳储量和总碳储量分别为(179.75±102.28)Mg C、(7795.86±2923.75)Mg C和(7975.61±2907.15)Mg C;南海区近岸现存海草床总储碳量约为357008.86Mg C。研究发现,黎安港沉积物有机碳含量平均值为0.56%±0.25%,海草植物储碳密度为(1.60±0.91)Mg C·ha-1,100 cm深度沉积物储碳密度为(69.61±26.11)Mg C·ha-1,均明显低于全球平均值(分别为2.50%、2.52Mg C·ha-1和139.70Mg C·ha-1)。黎安港有些裸滩区域沉积物有机碳含量和储碳密度要高于相邻的海草生长区,鉴于海草生长区与其周边一些裸滩区域存在有机碳的交换转移,建议将海草生长区周边的一些裸滩区沉积物碳储量也纳入海草床总碳储量。
关键词:  海草床  碳储量  裸滩  黎安港  南海
Carbon storage in the seagrass beds of Li’an Bay, Hainan
YANG Xi1,2,3, YU Wei1,2,3, HE Jing1,2,3, HUANG Sheng1,2,3
1.South China Sea Environmental Monitoring Center, State Oceanic Administration, Guangzhou 510300, China;2.Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Survey Technology and Application, Ministry of Natural Resources, Guangzhou 510300, China;3.Nansha Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem National Observation and Research Station, Hainan, Guangzhou 510300, China
This study evaluated the organic carbon (Corg) storage in Li’an Bay (Hainan) seagrass beds and estimated the total Corg storage in the seagrass beds of the South China Sea. The results showed that the seagrass biomass Corg storage, the top meter sediment Corg storage, and the total Corg storage in the Li’an Bay seagrass beds were (179.75±102.28) Mg C, (7, 795.86±2, 923.75) Mg C and (7, 975.61±2, 907.15) Mg C, respectively. The total Corg storage in the seagrass beds was about 357, 008.86 Mg C. The mean sediment Corg content was 0.56%±0.25%, the mean seagrass biomass Corg density was 1.60±0.91 Mg C·ha-1, and the mean Corg density of the top meter sediment was 69.61±26.11 Mg C·ha-1 in Li’an Bay. All of these values were lower than the global averages (2.50%, 2.52 Mg C·ha-1, and 139.70 Mg C·ha-1, respectively). The Corg content and Corg density of the sediments in some barren tidal flats (unvegetated) were higher than those in vegetated areas of Li’an Bay, as Corg exchange occurred between the vegetated areas and the adjacent barren tidal flat. These results recommend including the sediment Corg storage of the barren tidal flat in the total Corg storage of seagrass beds.
Key words:  seagrass bed  carbon storage  barren tidal flat  Li'an Bay  South China Sea
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