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刘瑀, 陆超, 焦点, 刘宇馨, 王国光
大连海事大学环境科学与工程学院辽宁 大连 116023
为了研究低磷条件对盘锦滨海湿地优势物种翅碱蓬的影响, 本文探究了不同无机磷酸盐浓度处理下翅碱蓬生理指标、光合色素、丙二醛(MDA)及不同组织脂肪酸含量的变化。结果表明, 翅碱蓬株高、茎长、茎粗、叶片数量、株重均与施磷浓度呈显著正相关, MDA含量与施磷浓度呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。叶绿素a、叶绿素b及总叶绿素含量先降低后升高。低磷条件会影响翅碱蓬根部脂肪酸C18:2n6与C16:0的相互转化; 叶片中多不饱和脂肪酸相对含量降低, 中长链脂肪酸相对含量升高, 茎中脂肪酸则无明显变化。本文分析翅碱蓬植被退化与磷含量的关系为盘锦辽河口湿地修复治理及翅碱蓬保护提供依据。
关键词:  翅碱蓬  湿地修复  低磷胁迫  生理指标  脂肪酸
Effects of low phosphorus conditions on the growth characteristics and fatty acid content of Suaeda heteroptera Kitagawa
LIU Yu, LU Chao, JIAO Dian, LIU Yu-xin, WANG Guo-guang
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116023, China
This paper explores changes in physiological indexes in physiological indexes, photosynthetic pigments, malondialdehyde (MDA), and fatty acid content of different tissues under different inorganic phosphate concentrations to study the effect of low-phosphorus conditions on the dominant species of Suaeda heteroptera Kitagawa in the Panjin Coastal Wetland. The results showed that the plant height, stem length, stem thickness, number of leaves, and plant weight of S. opteris significantly correlated with the phosphorus concentration. The MDA content was significantly negatively correlated with the phosphorus concentration (P<0.05). Chlorophyll a, b, and total chlorophyll decreased first and then increased. Low-phosphorus conditions will affect the mutual conversion of fatty acids C18:2n6 and C16:0 in S. pterocarpa roots. The relative polyunsaturated fatty acid content in the leaves decreases, the relative content of medium- and long-chain fatty acids increases, and the fatty acids in the stem have no significant changes. This paper analyzes the relationship between the vegetation degradation of S. pubescens and the phosphorus content to provide a basis for restoring and managing the wetland in the Liaohe Estuary of Panjin and protecting S. pubescens.
Key words:  Suaeda heteroptera Kitagawa  wetland restoration  low phosphorus stress  physiological indicators  fatty acids
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